Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Happy New Year!!!

Just a quick post to wish you all a very happy 2017!

This year I hope to be adding more printable journal kits to my shop after a good start to my venture just on the run up to Christmas.  There will be more digi stamps, although they are slow to sell, so in the main I shall be concentrating more on my journal designs and ephemera.

Some of the printable double pages from my Christmas journal kit and add on kit.

There is a lot of content included, way too much to show here.. I really enjoyed designing Jolly Holiday! Here is the link to my shop Pink ink Pixie   https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/490500481/jolly-holiday-printable-journal-kit-junk?ref=shop_home_active_1

Also, last year just towards the tail end, I was asked to illustrate a book cover written by Pippa Munro....

But now, once again Christmas has been and gone and we all stand before a fresh new year. This year will see me very busy with my designing but also with the renovation of our new home!  What have you got planned for 2017, I would love to know! 

Love to you all.. Suzie xxx