Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Da Dah!!! My Etsy shop is now open Peeps! :)

The last of the procrastinators! Always a reason to wait until tomorrow hey? I may move house soon, Oh no this has happened, ,that has happened. I am waiting for this, I am waiting for that.... well not anymore, the time for waiting has past, and off we go into the future with a song in our heart.......

And the song is.... " When the sky is a bight canary yell-ell-ow, I forget every cloud I've ever seen, so they call me a Cock-eyed optimist, imature and incurably green..."

Yes chaps and chapesses, I have finally opened my Etsy shop and it is called.....drum roll here (ha ha ha!!)

The Cock-eyed Arty Miss!

Toodle-pip peeps! Suzie! xxx 


  1. I am very pleased to see this here. May you enjoy all the success you so truly deserve. Bless Lorraine xx

  2. That is awesome, Suzie! So very glad to see your wonderful creations in the shop. :) Congrats! I wish you much success!

  3. Hey Suzie great to see you back!

    I was just having a blog list sort out and saw your new name. What is this I thought dont remember that blog. On closer investigation I found out it was you! lol.

    Congrats and good luck with your new shop I am sure you will be kept very busy with all your lovely things you make.


    1. thank you! As you can see, I haven't done a post since, due to moving house. Will get back in the swing soon! :)


I love getting comments and I read and appreciate every one of them. I always try to answer them, but if you don't get a response it will be because I couldn't find a link to you. Suzie. XXX :)