Thursday 15 April 2010

A sneak preview of my secret project!

Gosh is it time to say hello to you all again! Yes, it is!  Thank you for your comments since last friday, I have enjoyed reading them so much. It seems that generally we women are all singing from the same page! What was very interesting was how  many of you agreed with me that these days women can certainly have it all..... ...... children, careers...........Oh yes they can! ....And they can also have all the housework too, all the shopping, all the responsibility of sorting out everybodys birthdays, christmasses, organising holidays, school holidays, ironing and luandry chores, clothes shopping, lunchboxes,...... do I need to go on?  because they generally do so much more than this list...and  mostly alone.  Yes, they certainly do have it all these days!  Hmmmm! Equality!  What a laaarf!

Here is my drawing/painting from last week, a bit more finished off, gosh she looks relaxed and peaceful!

 She has had more layers of paint now and looks a bit clearer. Here is a preview of something to do with my secret project too! This one has only just been very lightly started, so it is only as yet in the first stages!

Click on the pic to see it better, if you like. Next week it will look so much clearer! The little girl really does have a body to go with that head... honest!  It looks a bit squashed too, and is not at all in real life!

Well, I dont' know about you, but I have been out in the garden this week, making the most of this glorious weather.

Even though I am at home all day, I find it hard to keep up with all I have to do, and while I am outside, I am thinking of all the chores and pressing matters (like my secret project!) that I should be getting on with in the house, but while I am in the house I am thinking.. gosh that garden needs doing... and that garden is 150ft long! However I spend time busying myself  I am always thinking that I should be doing something else!

We had a lovely BBQ on Sunday, it was wonderful getting to eat al fresco again after that long and cold winter!

It was seriously yummy folks!

This week I was very lucky, TheGirl sent me this lovely award! Tis pretty I think! Thank you so much! xxx Please go and visit her.. she is just so wonderful and interesting, and has a brilliant slant on things... I love her humour!

This award is for looking on the bright side.  Crikey!  I really do try to do just that as often as I can! Now I really hate choosing people, so I won't (well I will!) , because last time I did I  just spent ages worrying about all the lovely bloggy friends that I didn't choose!  But two people in particular do pop to mind when thinking of someone who despite life throwing manure at them, keeps smiling regardless! I admire this lady  greatly, so I will award this award to Tracey . Not only does she keep herself going, she cheers us often with her wonderful and funny nature! She is one of lifes fighters! Go and see for yourself! I appreciate her humour, as I too use humour to help me get through lifes trials..

Heres to all the mushrooms amongst us... you know who you are!.... Kept in the dark , and every now and then someone comes and throws s**t  at you!

One of my cross stitch designs, note ... she is sat on a mushroom! Ha ha!

The other Mushroom, ooops I mean bloggy friend is Mummymad, she certainly has had her fair share of mushroom food being thrown at her! But she carries on regardless, and where, a lot of people would crumble to the ground in despair, she picks her self up and may I say too, that she is a jolly good Mum too!  Go and pay this fabulus lady a visit!

To all the other mushrooms out there, carry on, stay focused, don't drown in your own tears!
The rules of this award are to list 10 things which make me happy, but I would just be repeating myself! Also to list 5 trivia facts about me so!.....

1:   I have to wear this darn sleeve every day for ever!  But the funny part is that occasionally while trying to get the damned thing on (it is elasticated, but stiff!) I punch myself in the face! It hurts. OUCH! What did you do that for.. I ask myself!

 I was going to show my other arm for comparison purposes, but figured out I needed it to hold the camera! DUH!  It is now 30% bigger than my right arm, an improvement of 10%, but If I don't wear it, it will expand to giganticous proportions! I do sometimes wonder what would happen if all the lymph fluid suddenly left my arm, would I suddenly have a huge head, or foot or something?!!!

2:  Once when I was little, My Dad took me to work with him on a trawler (he was an engineer and it was in Canada). He left me in the room with all the controls (first mistake!) and told me not to touch anything (second mistake!). Hmmmm I wonder what this button does???? It was the fog horn! Oh dear, he was not pleased!

3:  I apologise to lamp posts when I bump into them, and I apologise to people when they bump into me!

4:  I love buddhism, and have been on a retreat, and got many books on this philoshophy. I try to live in this simple, but difficult way of this thinking, and constantly question my thinking and way of looking at life. I truly believe I can alter the way I view events in life and therefore learn to accept all with grace. But at the moment I think I need to read those books again and do some serious meditating, as I am starting to have murderous thoughts towards Aunty chaos! Maybe this is my latest test in life!  :o)

5: I get goosebumps watching the red arrows, fireworks and thunder and lightening. They all make me quite tearful and emotional!

Also I really must thank Jaqueline  , she send me a gorgeous token of friendship through the post this week! Isn't she such a kind lady! Thank you my friend! xxx

Look at the Owl!  Thank you!

What will you all be doing this weekend I wonder? It is mine and George's 24th (say it quick!) anniversary on Sunday, so we shall be doing something lovely I should think, whether it is a meal out, or in, there will definitely be food and some vino involved! Heres to the man I met in a car park 26 years ago! ( A funny tale, too long for now, and maybe a tad inexplicable!)   Raise your glasses ladies to my lovely husband George! To a man who actually does help out round the house and cooks like a michelin star chef! Oh yes! He does!

 The poor, long suffering George! Thank you blorb for putting up with me all these years!

Have a happy weekend all you sweetpeas!

Suzie xxx :)


  1. You have made this toadstool very happy! Thanks so much for thinking of me. I couldn't think of anyone more deserving of it than you with your Popeye arm! Hello George! Congratulations on your 24th, hope you have a wonderful day because you both deserve it so much.
    Lots of love

  2. Oh this was a sweet post. I feel more and more like I've known you all my life. You just fit like an old pair of slippers. A compliment. And Mr. George How do you do? So nice to see the guy behind all the escapades and secrets you tell us! Have a glorious week in your yard and with the secret project. SShhh! We won't tell. XXMollye

  3. Have a wonderful anniversary weekend, Suzie! (Wow, 24 years!)

    I love looking at your fine, detailed cross-stitching work. I never really had the patience for needlework, really. Maybe I will, one day, who knows? :)

    Enjoy your weekend!

  4. Your little pictures are gorgeous, what a clever lady. You did make me laugh about apologising to lamp posts and people walking into you. I do that too! :o) Have a lovely anniversary this weekend, hope you will be able to eat alfresco again. xx

  5. Have a lovely anniversary, enjoy your weekend

    Love the pictures

    Hugs RosieP x

  6. What a lovely warm post. You deserve that award Suzie as do Tracey & Jen - three remarkable women who through blogging I have the pleasure of saying have become my friends.
    Thank you for showing us your arm ( we worry you know ) I apologise all the time too but sometimes stand back & think - Hey ! YOU bumped into ME and I'M the one saying sorry ? !!!
    I love your paintings -they are so cheerful like you. Have a fabulous anniversary meal & a lovely weekend xx

  7. Have a lovely weekeknd! Your facts were fun to read and had me gigling! I do quite a few of the things you do too!
    Your artwork is amazing, You have a real talent, can't ait to see the little girl finished!

  8. Hi Sweetie!! Sorry to see your arm so swollen...You asked about which estrogen inhibitor I am is Arimidex. Dr. said it was easier to take than Tamoxafen....We will see!! Sometimes I feel like a lab-rat (in a mushroom patch)!! LOL!!
    Love Ya',

  9. Have a wonderful time you deserve it you really do. Oh and Mrs you made me cry, great big red hot tears. Thank you - did you get my e-mail?

  10. Lovely post as usual and you have a good weekend too!

    x Alex

  11. Am loving the look of that baked potato! Perfection! Hope you both enjoy your anniversary. Can just see you struggling with that sleeve every morning! - I know how hard it was for me to wear one on my leg when I sprained my ankle, so it must be doubly hard only using one arm! Have a lovely weekend! lotsa luv, Ro. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  12. Suzie, your paintings and cross stitch are beautiful. I wish I had the patience (and the talent) to paint such beautys!
    Thankyou for your lovely comments on my blog.. they really make my day :)
    Congratulations on your 24th Anniversary :)
    Can't wait to hear the tale of how you met!...
    Have a lovely weekend Suzie.
    'Cheers' to you and George..

  13. Loving your pictures!! they are so cute, you have a lot of talent!!! Hope your arm improves soon!!! Have a fantastic anniversary, whatever you decide to do!! A big toast to the lovely George!!!

  14. Hi suzie, in my last post we welcome you to my blog, check it ! Thank you for your visit

    maria Palito

  15. Suzie! I really like your new drawings as I always do! they are sooo sweet! About the equality... ufff... you touch a painful subject, I really believe we have to educate the next generation (our kids) to do housework and stuff indepently of their sex!
    Have a lovely weekend dear! :O)

  16. Did my invite to that delicious looking BBQ get lost in the post?!!

    Victoria xx

  17. sorry, couldn't help but chuckle when you said you sometimes punch yourself in the face!!! thats something i'd do!!

    love the pics as always and have a lovely weekend the 2 of you..congrats! xx

  18. Suzie! Your artwork is absolutely lovely. How pretty they both are. I love them very much. And again - congrats on your awards. They are very much deserved!!!
    Have a wonderful weekend. :) Theresa

  19. Ooh I love your paintings and stitcheries!!! I am going to forward your link to my Mum who also paints water colours, but is a bit scared of painting people (but fantastically clever at botanicals and birds!!!) She'll love them.

  20. Happy wedding anniversary and lots of love to you both! It was lovely to meet George!
    Michela xxxxx

  21. those paintings are GORGEOUS! you are so talented, wish I could paint but I am afraid I even mess up when doing door frames so no hope really!
    Have a splendid weekend and happy anniversary too!
    BH x

  22. Now I feel like I've shared a meal with you and came to your fancy BBQ with wine no less and toasted dear George and his bride!
    Regarding the's beautiful....isn't that just what a good mother would say?
    I hated my curls when I was a little girl. They snaggeled and matted like a dog. Mom had to use cream rinse and comb and brush for hours...but she kept it long. My nose is turned up and my hair is dry but mom would always tell me how beautiful I was so I'm passing her affection from heaven to you.
    I'm happy you liked the little tag. I had fun thinking of you and dreaming up what you might like.
    Don't ya love the true fact that you are on Jelly Bean Island sitting with a beautiful owl and a wise old gnome pondering the pond?
    Off to church, lunch out with two gal pals and the play...Inherit the Wind...sounds like a free play day for sure!

  23. Suzie,
    How I wish we were neighbors ( I'd tell you to save me a place at the dinner table!)
    Seriously, we would never get any chores done, but oh we'd have a good time! :)
    You are a sweetpea yourself, and I love this post! Love your new drawings-they are wonderful as always, and....
    Love, Valerie

  24. Love the new paintings, and your alfresco lunch looks delicious (hope there are many more this year!).

    Happy anniversary!Hope you and George had a lovely day.

  25. Thank you every body for your lovely and ever so kind comments! :) xxx

  26. Yay, I've found you again!!!! Happy Belated Anniversary!!!! I'm so sorry it took so long for me to find my blog link. I hope you had a wonderful day.
    I love seeing your work in progress. I've missed the way you can brighten my day. Thank you for that!

  27. I'm glad you found me again too Kay! It wouldn't be the same without your visit! xxx

  28. So excited to see George!! Hope you had a wonderful anniversary - and if you find a way to make the car park story explicable then I would love to hear it!

    I remember having to help Mum put one of those support bandages on her leg, she doesn't have to wear it all the time but it used to be a lot worse when I was younger. There was so much grunting and groaning trying to pull it on, we used to dissolve into hysterics all the time!

  29. I know! They are hard to put on, sometimes it exhausts me! Usually brings on a major hot flush to boot. Yes, one day I may relate the How I met George story! ha ha! xxxx

  30. Happy Anniversary to the pair of you, I hope you had a great weekend celebrating! By the way, is that Babycham George is drinking?! xx

  31. Hi Suzie,
    Thanks for your visit!
    What a wonderful blog you have and I will be visiting your blog often.
    Have a beautiful day!


I love getting comments and I read and appreciate every one of them. I always try to answer them, but if you don't get a response it will be because I couldn't find a link to you. Suzie. XXX :)