Friday 4 December 2009

Calling all headless chickens!!!! Old Man christmas is a stalking you!

Happy December all!

 One of my drawings!

Thank you all once again for your wonderful comments on last weeks post!

Old man Christmas is a sneaky ole devil isn't he?  He has done it again! Sneaking up on his tip-toes and jumping right out of the shadows!  Ta Daa!! Oh yes Old man, very funny!   Is it just me, or does anyone else feel like a reindeer frozen in the head lights?  I have to admit I am beginning to get a sickly panicky feeling!

Every year I have a rosey coloured image of what a relaxing and smoothly executed Christmas I will provide for our home, and every year it hardly ever turns out according to plan at all!  I have so much to do and how long is it now to Christmas?  NO! Don't answer that! I really don't need to know exactly how long I have got to finish everything which I have to do!  Are you all the same?  Please say yes!  Otherwise I am going to feel totally inadequate and rather useless!!  At least my Christmas cactus is ready!!!

We bought this lovely hand painted Po (spelling?) at a Boxing day antiques fair many moons ago. I love the colours! Ha ha, not red and blue by any chance?!!!

We, or at least I, dream of having everything done and dusted - presents bought and beautifully wrapped.....

        Not my wrapping folks! This picture was found on the internet! I could only wish!!! .........

Our  home sparkling clean and looking like the picture on a magazines christmas issue cover,  melodic cheerful festive music wafting through the air,  mince pies cooling.... you know the idea!  Oooh, and there I am relaxing with a hand-warming comforting mug of hot chocolate (perhaps with marshmallows, mmmmm!) by a roaring fire, all cosy.......

(This was taken last year, we had only been in the a house a few weeks. We have decorated since, and the fire surround is now cream! Much nicer! )

..............watching those christmas films I bought two years ago, which I didn't watch then either!

We bought this one about two years ago and haven't watched it yet! Maybe this year???

 We have watched this one, but not on the run up to christmas, which is when I think christmas films should be watched. After christmas day, for me they are not quite the same!

The reality is, that I am currently absolute chaos on two legs, and faced with the prospect of all there is to do
I am trying very hard to resist an overwhelming urge to sit in a inactive stupor gazing out of the window, rocking backwards and forwards!  NO, I refuse to give in to this malaise!  Nor will I allow myself to metamorphasise  into the proverbial headless chicken,  running about in circles screaming " DON'T PANIC, DON'T PANIC!!!", even though I an teetering precariously close to the edge of doing just that!   Instead, I will call on my very old and trusted friend.... Percy. Yes, Percy Veerance! He will sort everything out!

After all we don't want be become a christmas Grinch now do we?!!!

This is some of what I have been doing,  proof perhaps that I am not totally a lost cause!

This is a drawing, ready to be sewn......

Here is a little pixie in the making .......

Isn't this ribbon from East of India just gorgeous? I love it, it is so natural and appealing! ......

Well, got to keep the good fight going, and try to get ahead of myself! Until next week, I hope you are all winning better than I am!  What are you all doing this weekend? Are you battling Christmas and winning or are you gripping on by your fingertips? Please tell me I would love to know!  Have a lovely weekend!

Love and December hugs to you, Suzie :) xxxxxx


  1. I think I am in denial! But I finish work two weeks today, so that gives me a whole week to organize myself! Or at least that is what I am telling myself ...

    Pomona x

  2. As always another beautiful picture suzie!!
    I think most people feel the same as you, i certainly do - christmas is never relaxed!!
    I'm out to a Masquerade ball this weekend, very excited, although i have a beautiful dree that i need to squeeze into - i can't breathe in it!!

  3. I haven't even got Jess's birthday present yet & it's next week !

    I never decorate apart from the Advent Calendar til about the 12th.

    I am stressed & wish I wasn't !

    Love the reindeer and - are those presents dusted with icing sugar ? ! Lovely.

    I love some of the Christmas films - I'm missing Woolworths !

    Your stitchings & drawings are so pretty Suzie.

    Have a great week end xx

  4. I used to get totally stressed out, but then I always used to invite for the hoards stop being fun. We go to Amys now, just us & all the kids, so much better! Keep relying on Percy!
    Love your drawings, you're so clever...

  5. First, your drawings are ADORABLE! Second, you totally could wrap a gift like that. It looks like plain light brown paper, tied with green twine. Add a berry or two when yo tie the bow. Spray the top with a spray-on adhesive and dust with fake snow or glitter. I just may have to steal that! And third, if that was your house last year after just moving in (wow! that lovely!) then I can not wait to see what your house looks like this year!

  6. Another great post. I do look forward to them!

    I am just lovely your new stitcherys they are so gorgeous.

    Yes I have to say, this time of year I love, but have been finding it hard to find my groove this year. But we are ahead a bit on the present buying. Trees are going up this weekend and I think present wrapping will be done this weekend too. But then I do live with Mr Christmas! lol.

    Every year though you do fantasize about this amazingly perfect christmas I dont why, I suppose its all those lovely magazines that are around. One stress we did cut out of our festive activities though was as soon as we started having kids we said we were staying at home for the christmas day and the boxing day. Its wonderful taking those precious few days at our own pace in our own home. I would recommend that to anyone. We still see family we just do it either just before or that funny lull between christmas and new year.It works for us and our sanity! lol.

    Have a great week and dont panic too much.


  7. Christmas is not hectic for us. No children to buy for..... Just us.
    Happy Holidays!

  8. Hi Suzie,
    I have sore feet after 4 hours of 'Santa Shopping'! It's tricky hiding all the stash. I had major panic yesterday, so thought I better get on with it (Christmas stress!) It's like ticking off a row of boxes isn't it.
    You're such a talented illustrator.. amazing!
    PS thanks for you comment on my blog. I'm sorry, my free shipping is just within Aus .. when I'm rich and famous I'll make it worldwide - not sure if the nursing home will have the internet by then though . . hehe!

  9. Hi Suzie, Oh I can just picture you running about like Chicken Little! And I must admit that for a change I am more or less finished decorating both inside and out but have not done a speck of shopping. I tried to decorate early because I have some sewing to do for a granddaughter and finishing up some crochet projects so although I am on track I do not feel flustered and am truly enjoying my days probably for the first of my three Christmas' since retirement. Guess I'm just learning! teehee.........But boy I remember those hectic days of years past! I find it easier if I try to live and enjoy each day without looking at the big picture of thinking about how long it is before Christmas because we know it will come ready or not. Grab that cup and go to rocking. It's all good. Warm hugs my little friend, Mollye

  10. Your sticherys are great as always, I just think they are so wonderful and you know what it will all come together, it always does!!!

    I am remarkably relaxed this year, even though I have a huge list of things to make and do. I think it is not having any cash, I have no pressure to go out and spend it!!!

  11. Tonight we are goint to see a production of "A Christmas Carol", and tomorrow my little Amy will be 14! We may tromp off into the woods and get our tree too. There is so much to do but I'm going to try to keep it all fun. If all else fails, I'm reaching for a mug of spiked egg nog...
    I LOVE your newest little pixies:)
    Here's to keeping our heads on this year!!

  12. Hi Suzie! I'm falling behind, too. Not to worry - tis the season!!! We've only watched one Christmas film so far - A Christmas Story. We'll be decorating the house on Sunday, and then I have to move full-speed ahead!!! Need to make Christmas gifts!!! Need to send cards!!! My oh my - the list never ends. :)
    Your new works-in-progress are lovely. If they are gifts, I'm sure the recipients will be truly happy.

    Take care! Theresa

  13. I am in a total mess here! We just got to our house in Florida and I have things to clean and put away...and I'm decorating along the way! Chaos...I would go sit in the sun but it's cloudy today! heehee! I love the little elf! So sweet! Enjoy the season!

  14. Suzie what great drawings, I love them, and that reindeer is adorable.

    I would love to ride in a sleigh with a reindeer pulling it how fun would that be.

    The movies sound like fun The Grinch is such a fun movie.

    Have a great weekend.

    •:*¨¨*:•.Blessings*¨2 U 4¨**¨¨*the holidays .•:*¨¨*:•.


  15. Yes!Yes!Yes! There's another fellow runner for the Christmas race!;-)
    I'm going to decorate my house this weekend, as here it's pouring down :(
    Gorgeus drawings!!!!
    Have a fabulous weekend xxx

  16. Your post just made me laugh out loud ! I totally empathise, I am feeling just the same and in complete denial. I honestly don't know when I am going to get the time to do anything that needs to be done. Oh well I guess there are worse things I could have to be worried about. Have a great weekend Ann x

  17. HI Suzie! The drawing with the little boy and doggy near the Christmas tree is so sweet. How you capture the charm and innocence of children and the moment, it's just darling!

    Merry Christmas and December hugs to you!
    Love you, Colette

  18. Lovely post!! I think a lot of us are wondering if there is any way that everything is going to get done.
    I just try to remember every past Christmas morning, as we are all gathered around the fireplace, that it doesn't matter that a few things got left unfinished! As long as it isn't the turkey!

  19. I love the sweet little pixie. Wish I could draw like that. I think the main thing for Christmas is to be happy and relaxed, not stressed and worn out, so I would recommend cutting every cut-able corner and just enjoy it.
    Louise xx

  20. Hello Suzie! I am part of the NOWHERE team that you frequent...You have a great blog! Do you live in Nova Scotia now? Thank you for visiting us. We are a group of fantasy lovin'women who adore animals, art, and creating stories! Your drawings are enchanting! Please, you are always welcome to Nowhere. I also have a blog Castles Crowns and Cottages. Please come by when you have a chance! Anita

  21. Hello Anita, No I live in England now, in Lancashire! I will pop and see you again soon! xxx Thanks for everyone elses comments too, I am really enjoying myself reading them all! xxx

  22. Hi sweetie, adore this Christmas post sooo cheery and energising! Sharon xox

  23. Hi Suzie,

    I do love your posts - they always bring a smile to my face!! I think that reindeer pic is sooo funny! I am so envious of your cactus as mine was a bit of a pitiful show this year!! Never mind, theres always next!!
    Have a fab weekend
    BH xx

  24. Suze
    I love to sit down with a coffee and read your blog, you have such a way with words, love the pics you use and just want to say THANKS for sharing your life with us so beautifully...
    I admire you, and want to say have a wonderful holiday season, take care sweetness... much love xxxx

  25. Sicky Panicking feeling here too. The house is a complete tip, can't even think about puting up decs until thats clean. I have only bought one present, have no wrapping paper and haven't even bought a box of cards yet. The advent calendar is still in the loft and its the 4th today, so I know exactly how you feel. xxx

  26. Oh I definitely know what you mean about getting behind before you even start. I have so many things I want to get done but what do I do, take another journaling class. lol I don't even try anymore.
    Love your post as always. Have a happy weekend sweet lady!

  27. Ohooo Suzie I am hanging on by my finger tips too, Ohooo well shall all come good in the end :) I did a little craft fayre tonight, and now that is over, which went well :) Feel I can relax a little now and not keep thinking I have to run off to my machine ;)

    I hope my little asks are not keeping you away from anything you should be doing, I ADORE what you have done so far,the colours in the Pixie are PERFECT, are you sure you haven't met my son, gave me goosbumps when I saw it, there is some of him in there I know it

    Thank you so much Suzie, I REALLY appreciate it :) have emailed you too

    Hugs and love



  28. I really really find myself so warm and full of love for all of you, you are all such wonderful and kind, this is what makes blogging worthwhile! xxxx

  29. Your Christmas decorations are lovely and I especially like the hand sketched piece you are embroidering!
    Sandra Evertson

  30. Oh my gosh! I cracked up laughing at that reindeer picture! Ha!
    Your cactus is BEAUTIFUL!!! (I don't dare try to keep one alive! I stick with goals I KNOW I can accomplish~ haha!)
    The nightmare before Christmas is spooky and creative- it's one of the only videos that captures my daughter's attention (the other is Charlie Brown Christmas)
    I just love your pixie drawings! They are the sweetest thing!
    YEs, I too am in panic mode as Christmas is fast appraoching. Is it me, or is it coming faster this year than before? I can't believe we are down to a mere 21 days! (can that be true??! Oh my goodness!) I have to go, haha, I still have a laundry list of things to do!!
    Thanks for all your bloggy love and support!

  31. I have to tell you that your home looks so cozy and inviting. If that was last year's decorations, I just can't wait to see what you will do this year. Have a great weekend. PS, I wish I could wrap as pretty as that picture too! Blessings, Martha

  32. I am so behind with myself, I haven't even had time to blog! Are there any more hours in the day available?

  33. Love your blog!!! Merry Christmas even amidst the chaos.

  34. I so agree about the 'waiting for Christmas to see a Christmas film'. I bought 'It's a Wonderful life' recently but won't watch for a week or two yet!

  35. Wow, you've made me feel all festive, I can't even think about decorations or shopping yet. My daughters birthday is the 6th of December and her party (18 this year) is on the 12th so we have a rule of no Christmas decorations etc.... until her birthday is over. So I have to feed my festive self on all the wonderful blogs that are reminising and indulging in mince pies and the like. A wonderful life incidently is my favourite Christmas film.

  36. I have been remarkably unpanicky about Christmas so far and I have to sit here and smugly say that I've even bought all my Christmas presents!

    It does help that we're not going to be in much at christmas so there's not the food preparation or anything to think about.

    Your room last year looks beautiful - can't wait to see this year's!

  37. I'm certainly running way behind this Christmas and today I am in fact exactly like a chicken with it's head cut off! I don't know what direction to go in and instead of putting up Christmas I'm cleaning out closets, hanging picture frames, etc. Anything to avoid Christmas for some reason!

    Thank you for your kind words about my little kitty Porky. I'm sure this is why I'm avoiding anything truly cheery this year, but the snow is falling and it's really quite beautiful out, so I had best get off this computer and get some work done!

    Here's to the battle and to the hopes that we make it through!


  38. Thanks for the link to the ribbons, I'm always on the look out for new ones! x

  39. I'm the one feeling guilty, I'm not stressed out. I'm determined to keep Christ the focus and this year my husband and I are doing things a little different. We are going to local holiday events and buying very simple this year. However, I do remember EVERY Christmas in the past I was stressed out about all of it. I'm on day, far so good!

  40. Hi Suze - your house looked gorgeous - you should have seen the state of ours for it's first Christmas - bare concrete floor, save for a large single rug, and no wallpaper!!!! It looks a lot better now, of course - which is typical, because we're wanting to move back nearer to town! (Long story - will fill you in another time!) Am not doing too bad this year for Christmas - am slightly more organised than usual - but not by much! Dave won 2 hampers from John's school Christmas bazarre on Saturday. We left it too late to go, and they phoned up today and asked us to collect them. We now have lots of cleaning stuff, teatowels, and laundry conditioner as well as a bottle of champers, puddings, mince pies, choccies, pickles, etc! Was lovely to win - we rarely have such luck! Looking forward as ever to your next blog - lotsa luv, Ro. xxxxx

  41. Your drawings are absolutely fabulous!

    Victoria x

  42. susie i love your christmas drawing, you should do a blog calendar next year and do us a drawing each month for us to 'hang' on our blogs! he he fliss xx

  43. You see, Old Man Christmas, he doesn't bother with me until Christmas Eve. I trot through December thinking I've got everything under control and then around about 5.30pm on Christmas Eve, when he knows all the shops are just about shut, he'll begin chanting in my ear all the things I've forgotten, haven't done, put away and can't find. So actually I'm pretty calm at the moment. Ten...nine...eight....xx

  44. You are really getting in the Christmas mood I see! that's good! ;O) I love the movie "Nightmare before Christmas" it is fantastic, amazing graphics and characters, catchy story, very beautiful! ;O)

  45. your posts are like, well like visiting with you, I love the way you write, I love the way you illustrate, I love the way you engage with me and all who visit.... you are wonderful my friend and you know what I am so glad I found you here on blog land.
    I am off to spain for xmas so don't do decs here, do them in Spain - only put outdoor lights up here in england so it looks like I am home... and guess who is on the top of my tree, sure you can.............
    Betty Boop lol

    xxxxx one of my pleasures is reading your blog x

  46. Hello there Suzie!
    That drawing is delighful and your room looks fab!
    As for that Reindeer pic, well, too cute! They have two at the local farm this year and I'm determined to take Seth to see them over the Christmas holiday.
    Great films you've listed there; I adore Tim Burton films, Nightmare Before Christmas being my fave :)
    Yay for glitter and Christmas! I'm SO EXCITED! :D Xx


I love getting comments and I read and appreciate every one of them. I always try to answer them, but if you don't get a response it will be because I couldn't find a link to you. Suzie. XXX :)