Saturday, 20 October 2018

A new venture selling printable quotes on my Etsy shop :)

Hello! Long time no mee! Ha ha. I am a terrible, terrible blog owner, absolutely appalling. Who would guess that a few years ago I blogged once a week no fail.. that is what happens when you take a short break!

Anyway, as some may know, I have a little Etsy shop, and it is little.. not many items in it really! Oh you know how it is, life gets in the way, and once again I am in the middle of a house renovation. Put that together with this and that and what it adds up to is not a lot of action in the creative department!

But! I have been putting together some inspirational quotes to put on my shop.. printable ones. Instantly downloadable once who ever buys them buys them! My Christmas printable journal kit and the add on kit which I created to match, are selling well and seem quite popular, so that is good!

 Digital printable Christmas journal kit.

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So! I decided to try my hand at some printable quotes :

one of my printable quotes available now.

On the home side of things, we have just had the kitchen put in and a new cooker which I have been waiting for for two and a half years, so let's just say I am very happy and very, very grateful!
I shall put some photos on next time I do another blog post, but for now, love to you all.
Suzie x

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I love getting comments and I read and appreciate every one of them. I always try to answer them, but if you don't get a response it will be because I couldn't find a link to you. Suzie. XXX :)