Thursday 17 September 2009

Having a busy bee week!

Gosh! Yet another week has flown by, don't they go so quick? Where do they go? Look, there goes another! Do you feel like you are on full speed too? Somebody slow down the time!!!

Iv'e been getting more of my share of this lately! But it is good to be so busy!

I have been so busy this week, and for the last couple of days I haven't had the time to enjoy and comment on everybodys posts, so sorry about that. I know How much I enjoy reading the comments that people write on my posts, so everyday I try to read others posts and leave a comment. So I am sorry if I have missed anyone out! It gets quite time consuming when you are following quite a few blogs! Talking about other people's blogs pop over to visit Floss at Troc, bloc and recup, she is having a wonderful giveaway, and her blog is always lovely to visit. So get your selves over there! Another blog that I love to visit is bad penny at The Hen House, I love reading her posts, love her sense of humour and slant on life. She is a star. I think I will tell you each week about a few of my favourite blogs. There are so many kind and thoughtful people out there, It warms the heart! Latest News Flash! Go to Lissy lou and the two little boys and have a look, On the Thursday 22nd October there is going to be a Cath Kidston Party. I am definitely taking part in this, so that week my blog will be on the thursday instead! Go to Lissy Lou to see details!

This week I have been sewing with a passion! My needle has had sparks flying off it! I was commissioned by a lovely lady in Ireland to sew her one of my stitcheries. She has just recently commissioned 23 beech Hill to sew one of her beautiful fabric Princess and the pea designs, and she wanted one of my stitcheries to go with it. Now, I don't usually sew for people, as I sell my designs as kits, charts and patterns. But I'm just a girl who can't say no! ( Who sang that? Was it Doris Day in Calamity Jane? I can't remember at all!) I have just sent her off on her journey to Ireland, and I know it is silly, but I get quite attached to my sewing, every stitch has a thought attached to it, and anyone who sews will know that it is a very thought provoking pastime! I felt like I was waving a friend off at the station! Goodbye, and don't forget to write! Oh, maybe its just me, maybe I am just bonkers!

Here is my little Princess, sat in her boudoir!

I added little beads to her slippers and used two threads of gold metallic thread with one strand of yellow gold to make her gold slippers. It is finished with 3 little sequin flowers on the bed.

Her gold crown has beads at the end of each point. These photos don't really do justice to her.

I could have quite happily have kept her Royal Highness. Hey, who says I can't have a children's stitchery hanging on my bedroom wall!? I adore anything to do with childhood, as you may have guessed! Anything that evokes cosy memories of the days of innocence, trust and belief, where happiness came straight out of an Enid Blyton book, and I was willing and ready to believe, believe , believe!

Maybe that is why I love dogs! They are such full of fun, playful creatures. They trust and love with no conditions attached. Straightforward and true, and they really do have a sense of humour! Bertie, my other Jack Russell (who doesn't actually look like one really!) smiles! No, really, he does! No...... he isn't snarling at me! He really does grin at me, and sometimes he has an uncanny look of Humprey Bogart about him! Heres looking at you kid!

"Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine"

Ralph (Old English sheepie) and Bertie (Bertram Butterbean Barker!)

There is often a deep and beautiful understanding between a child and a dog. I grew up with dogs, and as a child, I remember thinking of our family dogs as friends and companions, and they were always, always a part of the family, my doggie siblings! Mind you I love all animals! My Mum (sadly not with us now) would have told you about me and a (imaginary) monkey, but I will leave that tale for another post, perhaps next week!

Align Centre
One of my drawings. Memories of a chilhood pal.

Coming back to the here and now, and then leaving it again pretty quickly! Look at this beautiful photo I took the other night, it must be a fluke, as I am not that great at photography, but I thought this was lovely! Although having said that, it doesn't actually show how gorgeous it was, it was better!

A beautiful evening in my garden, stunning red sky that night, and look at the moon!

After I took this photograph, I sat looking up at the miracle, the glorious magnificent miracle that is there all around. How vast I thought, what a unimaginable world/worlds/space there is out there! Then I got to thinking how tiny we all are, in this vast universe, that goes on and on into infinity. Tiny grains of sand, and yet without each grain, there would be nothing. How we are all linked in some way. To the universe we are like little ants underfoot.

A scribble of mine! Ant farm.

But yet each ant has a purpose, doesn't it, without each one the colony does not work at all. Each has a purpose and a reason for being there.

It never ceases to amaze me how every teeny atom, each tiny living being, ant, bee, butterfly, all have a huge part to play in this world we live in. Isn't Mother Nature just wonderful. Such an intricate plan, like cogs in a huge system, each needing the other. She gives us dock leaves for nettle stings, Provides us with every vitamin, protein, etc. for our bodies and so many other gifts. Like more apples!

Yet more cooking apples and pears from our garden

Now, I wonder what I will do with these? I am not kidding, there are loads still in the garden. shall I make more pies, apple sauce, crumbles? Or should I just slice and freeze them? Or should I get crafty, and make myself a rather fetching Carmen Miranda hat? Any suggestions?

Shake those maracas girls! (sourced from the internet)

Oh, and talking about the garden, Pumpkin is still doing ok, (see older posts for a photo!) he/she is well and happy! I don't expect any or much more growth though, not now. Either way, there will be home grown pumpkin soup on the table, and a grinning, glowing orange face hanging nearby on Halloween night! Finished off with some spooky stories. Oh how I love a good ghost story, must dig some out!

Well enough of my gibberings for another week, I think all of you who come onto my blog and read them all deserve a medal! I'm off to start a new project, a Christmas Stocking with stitchery (of course)!

Before I go, here is a really silly joke......

Burt) Bob, Did you hear on the news last night?
Bob) No, What?
Burt) An aged hippy got stranded out at sea, but the rescue services just could not get to him.
Bob) Why not, Burt?
Burt) Because he was too far out!

Bum bum!

Sorry! Couldn't help myself!

Love and blessings to you all! Suzie. xxx


  1. wow I love your doggies
    I have a Jack russell too! she called Sexy Sadie after The Beatles song!!
    and your right... she also smiles!
    the drawing of the dog and the little girl is ssoooooo good!! really cute, good job!!
    those apples look tasty!
    I vote Carmen Miranda!!

    hehehe, far out Man!!!xx

  2. Oh, thanks for the mention! It's lovely to have visitors who take the time to comment and extra kind of you to make a link.

    We have a dog for the first time in our lives - Ben and I always saw ourselves as 'cat people', but our elder son was always determined to have a dog. When he was 10 he became very miserable after a difficult year at school, and at the same time a colleague of Ben's had an adult Cocker Spaniel who needed adopting, and the rest is history... He is a much happier, better balanced boy now he has his own adoring dog!

  3. I bet your Ireland customer is going to be so happy, I think you did a great job, really delicate and very cute and detailed... myself I don't even know how to properly put a button on its place! ;O) I understand you end up feeling a bit attached to it... no wonder...

    And I have to say I love your drawing it is lovely, the little girl is super cute!

    (I love reading your comments on my blog! ;O))

  4. Hi Suzie! How cute your little fairy! Can't wait to see your Christmas stocking!
    Have a lovely weekend! Hugs!

  5. Hi Suzie,
    thanks for playing the game with me! I adore your princess and the pea stitching it is adorable!You are such a talent!! Sharon xxx

  6. Oh Miz Suzie You crack me up! Your stitchery is lovely, your poochies adorable and your joke though corney is an understatement lol It put a smile on my face! Can't wait to read about your monkeyshines. Hugs, Mollye

  7. Your posts are alwas a joy to read, Suzie.
    The pencil drawing is divine.
    I had the Ladybird book of the princess and the pea as a girl and I adored it; I read it over and over, facinated by the pictures :)
    Have a lovely weekend. Xx

  8. Hi Suzie! Your doggies are soooooo cute - I just want to give them a big squeeze. Your drawing is amazing - thanks for sharing it with us all. Thanks for recommending that I put charms on my new necklaces, by the way, I think they look lovely. No photos...yet. But stay tuned this weekend (I hope!). Take care, Theresa

  9. A hippie that is too far out! Hilarious!
    Great stitching, by the way. Don't I wish to have such nimble fingers and patience to stitch :)

    So I just might see you next month at the CK party over at Lissylou's!

  10. There is always so much to love on your blog-Cath Kidston,Doris Day, Humprey Bogart, Apples and pumpkins, smiling dogs, beautiful skies, and wonderful thoughts to read and inspire-and Suzie--is that some sort of palm tree in your garden? (I'm jealous!)
    Love it all!!

  11. Hi Suzie,
    Thanks so much for leaving me a comment about Jacky-ginge. We're all pretty gutted here but still hoping hard.
    Your stitchy picture is just gorgeous. My sister loves the Princess and the Pea picture by Willemien Stevens and I've been thinking I could sew her a little (less brilliant) version. I'll be sure to direct her to have a look at yours. It reminds me of all my lovely vintage embroidered cloths. It's great you are keeping such a fab tradition alive (and up to date). What a talented lady you are.
    Hen x

  12. Oh I just love your little princess! She is so adorable. It makes me sad my hands can't handle sewing like that anymore. I enjoy living vicariously through your talents though.
    So glad to see you posting again. Have missed reading what you've been up to.

  13. Hi hun! Gorgeous photo - are you going to get it framed? I would want it blown up to poster size it's so good! D'ya remember our weird discussions about 'where does space end'? Your words accompanying that photo reminded me of it!
    Oh, yeah ....
    I'd go for the apple pie!

  14. Do you use google reader to read blogs? If not it's far easier to manage blog reading!

    I'd be lost without it!

    Have a great weekend

    Victoria xx

  15. Thank you girls for your brilliant comments, I loved reading them, you all make a smile come to my face! Valerie, I think that the palm tree thingy in my garden is a Yucca. I can't take credit for the magnificent specimen though, the lady who lived here before planted it when it was only 2ft tall! xxx

  16. That stitchery is just gorgeous! Truly beautiful work.

  17. Wow ! what a post...thank you for mentioning me - you brighten up the day too ! Love your princess's what we call Frankie as she always manages to find a pile of something to snooze on. Your photo is spectacular - love it. Have a wonderful week xx

  18. Wow, Love your stitchery,I was staying in a B&B in Somerset the other day sharing a room with my best friend and her daughter. I snuggled down into this high rise single bed and Sue shouted at her daughter 'Look at the Princess and the Pea!' needless to say her 8 year old looked blank but we had a good laugh!
    Thanks for visiting and observing the non swearing code at Brympton Towers!
    Love Susanxx

  19. I enjoyed visiting your blog--the pictures and your reflections. You reminded me of the pillowcases my mother made beautiful when I was a child. and I too had dogs.

  20. The little princess i her boudoir is so gorgeous, i love it!!

    Thank you for blogging about my party :)


  21. I really love your work, it's so beautiful. I've read your previous post, it really moved me, you are one brave and lovely lady, such inspiration to those who might be going through the same fight as you did or those of us who have been affected by the loss of the loved ones because of this cruel disease. I've lost my lovely mum to cancer over 3 years ago and still feel devastated by it, but your post has made me feel so much better, thank you.

  22. Hi Suzie!
    Please, remember to take your award from my blog! have a lovely Sunday! xxx

  23. Betty! Then writing that post was so worth it. I want to raise awareness and make the word cancer less tabboo. People are so scared of it. I know there are lots of people who dont make it, like my parents, my uncle, and others too, but there are also people who do. It is all part of life, and we all share in one thing, we are all mortal! If I can make any one less scared and help to make it something we are less afraid of, I will be happy! I was a bit worried about posting, as I don't want pity, and I certainly dont wish to upset people, I wanted it to give out hope! So I thank you for your comment! xxx :)

  24. thank you for your comment on my blog Suzie ...these blods have a lot to answer for ! xx

  25. Suzie, it is so lovely to meet you. I read your comment on my blog, and glad I flew over to read your blog. You are a lovely person. I love your stitchery that is a wonderful gift from God. I read you are a cancer survivor that is wonderful. My cousin is battling cancer right now, and unfortunately the doctors said it's not good news. She is on Hospice right now. My grandmother died of breast cancer. Cancer is such an awful disease for anyone who faces it or has family that faces it and that is a wonderful miracle from God. You were meant to do good things God bless you on this Sunday morning. Again I am so glad to have met you and drop on over again any time. I have followed you so that I can stay caught up on all your beautiful work. I love your fairy stitchery too.


  26. Those apples and pears are fantastic! Your garden must be so lovely!

  27. Oh my, Suzie! LOVE the Princess embroidery you did. So cute! Love your sketch, too, from one artist to another. ::smile::

  28. Suzie this does not relate to this post at all, but if you will send me your email address, I will explain to you about those Bears!

  29. Thanks Suzie! I'm glad to put that day behind me, but I can laugh now! I like what your wonderful British singer Vera Lynn would say--"When you're up to your neck in hot water, be like the kettle and sing!"

  30. Hi Suzie! thank you so much for your lovely wishes! Have a fab day!

  31. Hi Suzie, I really enjoyed reading your post. I love your princess as that was my favourite bedtime story when I was about nine. She's beautiful! Love your doggies - I'm a new dog owner and I love having our wee Flynn who's a Fox Terrier. Sarah, my daughter says he's changed our lives. THanks for visiting my blog! THe fabric for the aprons I posted today is from our local store, but I can't remember where it's actually from - sometimes I take note of it, but can't remember this one. Alot of the fabric is imported from the US. What is CK fabric? I love your owly blog!
    You mentioned the kids in England are just starting back to school. I know, it is weird, but I'm finally used to the school year starting in Feb here and ending in Dec. I'm not sure I'll ever get used to Xmas in Summer though! and I always think it's Spring when it's Autumn and vice versa. Bye!

  32. gorgeous princess and the pea!! love it!
    Lesley x


I love getting comments and I read and appreciate every one of them. I always try to answer them, but if you don't get a response it will be because I couldn't find a link to you. Suzie. XXX :)