Thursday 29 October 2009

BOO!!! Happy Halloween!

Hello everyone! Oh I love this time of the year! The crackle of leaves under foot, the musky smell of Autumn. Darker evenings spent next to a roaring fire. And of course Halloween!

Sourced from the internet.

When I was a child in Canada, every year we would go from house to house trick or treating. Neighbours would happily fill our sacks, pillowcases and bags full to brimming with goodies, cookies, sweets, apples, etc.

 Sourced from the internet.   Yummy, how I would love to sink my teeth into these!

We would all dress up in fancy dress. It was so exciting as a child being out in the dark, when you would normally be tucked up inside, telling each other spooky stories and frightening each other! Isn't it a wonderful, but a rather strange human trait, that some of us actually enjoy being a little bit scared, but of course in a safe not really scary way! I know I enjoy a good spooky movie or ghost story!

So I thought that perhaps as it is Halloween (tomorrow!).............

Come with me everybody lets all settle down by the campfire. We will toast marshmallows while I tell you a ghost story to chill your hearts.......

                                         Image sourced from the internet.

There was a  man at the side of the road hitch hiking on a very dark and stormy night. The night was cold and wet and no cars went by. The wind was howling loudly blocking out any other sounds.

The storm was so strong, and the fog as thick as pea soup,  that he could hardly see more than a couple of feet ahead of him.

                                           Image found on the internet.

Suddenly, he saw the very dim head lights of a car coming towards him. He could not even hear the engine so strong was the howling gale. The car which was going very slowly, probably due to the low visibility, slowed down and stopped. The man without thinking about it, got in the passenger seat, closed the door and turned to thank the driver, but to his surprise realized that there was nobody behind the wheel!

  By the time the man had realised his fate the car which had been going very slowly began to gather a bit more speed as it headed down a slight hill, and due to his fear and shock he felt unable to get out. The man looks at the road and can just make out a curve coming his way. Scared and knowing the surrounding area has very steep drops,  he starts to pray and begs for his life. However, just before the car hits the curve, a hand appears through the window and turns the wheel.

The man, paralyzed in terror, and unable to gather his thoughts together, watches the hand appear each time the car approaches a curve. Sweat was pouring from him and finally gathering together his courage, he scrambles out of the car risking sure death if he jumps out and over the edge of the cliff. Luckily though he finds firm ground beneath his feet and he runs all the way to the nearest town where sees an old eerie pub.

                                         Sourced from the internet.

Wet and in shock, he goes into the pub, asks for two shots of whiskey and starts telling everybody about the horrible experience he just went through. A silence enveloped everyone when they realized that the man was crying hysterically and that he wasn't at all drunk.  He was clearly badly shaken up by his experience.

About a half hour later, a few other men walked into the pub and one said to the other, "Jim theres that lunatic that got in the car while we were pushing it!"

authour unknown

Sorry! I couldn't help myself you know!

Here is are a few clips from The Wizard of Oz. Ding dong the witch is dead! While I was watching this video, I thought, gosh its ages since I watched that film. Perhaps I will this weekend!

May I introduce you to some one very special? Drum roll here!.......

Today  Pumpkin is making his debut. He has been growing in our veggie patch for quite some time. He is a handsome chappy, round and very orange!

Here he is with his Halloween costume on, looking rather inviting I think!

    You can just see Bertie's nose going in for a bit of investigation. Hmmmm?

            Pumpkin posing for the camera with the Owl tree watching over!

Please don't let him know that he will soon be........

Pumpkin soup!!!


This is not mine! Found this image on the internet, I haven't made my soup yet! Making it fresh tomorrow. Hopefully it will look as good as this! Oh, I would love some bowls like these!

I thought you may also like to meet a little witchypoo that I have designed and sewn sat on her own pumpkin. I wonder what she is waitng for? Maybe the number 33 broomstick to take her the the halloween celebrations!

Now these Christmas stockings I have been working on busily all week have absolutely nothing to do with Halloween, but just my two latest projects which I am sewing for my two daughter's little girls Sophie and Alissa. I promised Vikki that I would put the photos on here so that she could see how I am progressing! Both wanted pinks, but  next I am going to do some more stockings in traditional  reds and greens!

                        This one is Alissa's. A fairy was requested!

         This is Sophie's. The princess and the pea was requested!
Sorry about the rather tatty state Vikki! They will look much better when they are made up and ironed!

If you enjoy taking part in bloglands goings on then  pop over to Miz Mollye and Shezadoozy, she is hosting a wonderful giveaway which can't be missed! I really love Mollye's wonderful writing and slant on life!

I have also been given this wonderful award from Sharon at My Passport to Style
Thank you so much Sharon, this is so sweet of you! :)!!! You have brought a smile to my face with your kindness!

Tracey of Tracey's - crafty scraps has very kindly given me an award too. I am thrilled to bits and taken aback that she too thinks my blog is good enough! It amazes me how people come here every week and read my ramblings! Thank you so much Tracey, I will post this again on Friday, as I think most people have been here by now.

The award says .."This blog invests and believes in the PROXIMITY-nearness in space, time and relationships. These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement! Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated."

Now back to Halloween! I hope that you all have a very Happy Halloween full of magic and spookiness!
I shall be eating pumpkin (shhhh!!!) soup, reading a good ghost story and watching a scary film!   I don't need to dress up for Halloween! Hee hee!

                                   Image from the internet.

BOO!!! Lots of love, Suzie. xxx :) Notice big red sore nose has gone now! I hope everyone else who has had a bad cold are now much better! xxx


  1. Isn't this time of year the very best! You sure had me going with that story! Great post.

  2. What a rich and spooky post!!
    You know, that Wicked Witch of the West scared me silly when I was little. And I just loved it! Happy Halloween to you!

  3. So glad you're feeling better. Loved that story!!! The kids will adore those stockings, they're beautiful...XXX

  4. Hi,Susie
    What a nice stockings!!And thank you for scarely ghost story.
    Happy Halloween to you and your family!!

  5. What a great story, I am going to carve out my pumpkin later ready to go in the porch. The stockings are so pretty. I love the princess and the pea one it makes a nice change from the usual christmassy images.
    Ann x

  6. Love the embroidered witch and the christmas stockings

  7. I love love love the fairy stocking, i think i've asked before, but do you sell them?

    oh and little witchypoo is gorgeous.
    Happy Halloween xxxxxx

  8. Great story & lovely post. Your nieces will adore those stockings.

    Wee Man will be going out trick or treatin' wearing a gas mask ! DD staying here to dish out sweets - we have to be out at a supper / fancy dress optional !

  9. Love your story.... Mr. Pumpkin is great & I'll just bet he will taste as good as he looks... Ooooooooo!!
    Happy Halloween!!!
    Have a Wonderful Weekend!!

  10. Lissy Lou if you email me I will have a chat about it with you, I sent you an email before, but I am worrying I sent it to someone else! I have left another comment on your blog too, just incase you don't see this! xxx

  11. Such a great halloweeny post! Loved the ghost story! lol.

    Those stockings look gorgeous very lucky little girls. And pumpkin looks very sweet? lol.

    We are going to a halloween tea party this afternoon the girls a very excited!

    Glad you are feeling better now.


  12. oh glory are so much fun. Where did you grow up in Canada? I was born in Vancouver! I love your stitchery, your imagination with the pumpkin soup...the window out to the owl tree is just super enchanting...were going to have fun in blog land, I can tell! Boo to you and Happy Halloween!

  13. Blessings to you I hope your Halloween is wonderful. Thanks for visiting me today.


  14. There's almost too much to comment on in this blog!!

    - love Pumpkin, glad he's keeping an eye on owl tree for you. I carved a pumpkin for the very first time this year, photo will be up soon!
    - Love witchypoo and the stockings are beautiful - what lucky girlies to be getting those!
    - the ghost story was hilarious, I was getting all shivery until I realised I'd been had!

    Have a spookerific Halloween!

  15. Hi Suzie girl, Oh you have outdone yourself with this one. I emailed the link to your blog to my son in Alabama so he could scare the pants off his kids tomorrow night! Have you ever gone to One Perfect Bite blog? She has the most yummy recipes and I bet she has some kickin pumpkin things this weekend. Your apples are beauties huh. Thank you sugar for mentioning my giveaway with my postie on your blog. You always make my Friday nicer ya know. Hugs, Mollye

  16. I'm melting, I'm melting. I love Whichypoo and the pumpkin, what a nice one. Stockings are fab. I so look forward to your posts. Thank you

  17. Happy Halloween, Suzie! Your pumpkin looks so cute and especially nice when lit. I adore pumpkin soup - that sounds lovely right now. Perhaps I shall make some soon. We enjoyed curried carrot soup last evening (although I think I put a tad too much curry in it!). Hope you enjoy many treats on the morrow! :) Bye for now, Theresa

  18. Happy Halloween! Hoe you are going to have lots of fun! Nor in Spain where I grew up not in Greece where I live now Halloween is celebrated apart from some night clubs using it to attract people, however as a lover of anything "dark" I like this party and I get so excited at everyones excitement ;O)Are you going to dress up? I wanna see photos!!!
    (I really like your work!)

  19. Hi Suzie, glad to hear you're better now!
    Happy Halloween and thank you so much for your always lovely comments!
    Love your embroidered witch!

  20. The witch on her pumpkin is so cute!

    Happy Halloween

    Victoria xxx

  21. Story was fun, pumpkin is adorable. All the treats make me hungry. I think you are going to have a fun time tonight! Be safe my dear friend. Blessings, Martha

  22. Happy Halloween, Suzie!

    I love, love your little witch on the pumpkin embroidery....too sweet. :0) I must check out your shop. The Christmas stockings are just as sweet...but you know I'm partial to PINK...hehe I've seen the pink trees in the magazines and I'm tempted to buy one this year!....maybe just a small one to sit next to the primitive tall skinny one that I want!

    Thanks for sharing all of your Halloween goodies and the progress on your sure to post ALL of them...I love looking at what all the creative souls are making.

    And thanks so much for visiting me for PiNk Saturday...I do love reading your sweet comments.

    Scatter Bliss...

  23. I would love to carve a pumpkin one year; Halloween’s not such a big deal here in Australia, but it seems like more and more people are starting to get into it. Well done with the carving of yours, he looks fantastic, I can’t believe you grew it as well, it looks like the perfect pumpkin (hope he eats well!).
    What lucky little Granddaughters you have their stockings are so beautiful, Christmas must be a picture perfect affair in your neck of the woods.

  24. Great post! Love the witch stitching and your cute pumpkin. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!

  25. My daughter Amy and I got the biggest laugh from your wonderful ghost story-thanks for "telling" it! We had a frightfully windy Halloween Eve--but even scarrier is the amount of candy we have left over today. Time for self control BIG TIME!
    Love you little Jack O Lantern! Is he soup yet? And your stockings are so adorable! Can't wait to see what you will be working on for Christmas!

  26. Wow suzi, you have really pulled all the stops out for halloween, this post is amazing well done!I don't normally do this but your post is soo gorgeous if you visit my Passport to Style, you will see on my 2nd post down I tagged some bloggers with a vintage award- stylish blogger, please accept it from me for your lovely post that made my day!! Have a lovely Halloween!! Sharon xxooo

  27. Thank you so much Sharon! I am so happy that you enjoyed my post that much! Suzie. xxx

  28. What a great story! Halloween is so cool. I wish everyone in NZ was a bit more into it. I love those stockings too - the girls will be very happy I think.

  29. i fancy watching the wizard of oz again too! love your stitching, fliss xx

  30. Good olde M&S Suzie, and not too expensive at 19.50 :)



  31. I have an award for

  32. Thank you Tracey, I have visited your blog and thanked you properly. You are so lovely and kind to think of me! suzie. xxx

  33. The stockings you're making are superb! I adore the Princess and the Pea pattern!

  34. Hiya Suzie!
    I couldn't resist popping in to see you while I was quickly online this morning. I'm missing everyone's posts while I'm on my 'bloggy break' but I'm ticking lots of stuff off my 'things to do list' at home.
    My sister finished radio therapy and is convalescing well and taking her Tamoxifen daily....onwards and upwards!
    Hope you and yours are all good and I'll be sure to be popping back to your blog when I get online more regularly again in December.
    Until then take care and have a top week!
    Lucy. Xx

  35. Suzie thank you so much for dropping by today and entering the giveaway. Have a wonderful week.


  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. What a great post! Those candy apples look so delicious and pretty. Soup looks good, too! Loved the story.

    Have a great day!

  38. Thank you Deb! Lovely to hear from you Lucy, I have left a comment on your blog! Suzie. xxx

  39. Was it really NECESSARY to show us the candied apples???? your post and thanks for sharing

  40. What a fun post! I love your pumpkin and all the great links! Its good to be back reading blogs!

  41. So I had a little giveaway...well without announcing it :-) And you were one of the winners!

    When you get a chance send me your address and I will fill your mailbox with a little package!


I love getting comments and I read and appreciate every one of them. I always try to answer them, but if you don't get a response it will be because I couldn't find a link to you. Suzie. XXX :)