Monday 21 December 2009

Just popping back to thank Penny, my little christmas fairy!


I know, I know I am not supposed to be on here until after christmas! But, I could not let a little fairy of kindness go unmentioned now could I? A lovely kind soul has sent me a parcel, and that lovely kind soul is Bad Penny at the Hen House.  Penny you are a true twinkling star in a dark sky! You have lit up my face with a sprinkling of stardust and left a big huge grin on my face!

The snow has finally made its way to Lancashire! Believe it or not, it actually thundered at the same time!

I have been having a bit of an emotional time at the moment with certain circumstances/people in my life, and sadnesses from the past have left a huge deep gash in my soul. Nothing to worry about, I will be fine, and I can't really tell all, as it is too personal.  I always manage to laugh though, and I will most certainly carry on with my giggling nature! You know how it is, even the silliest of us have sadnesses that we carry around inside of us, and usually we keep them hidden from the world. Sometimes though, especially when you are low, tired or have been feeling off colour, it just gets to you more than usual, and christmas seems to play on the emotions and pull on those old heart strings! But .... this is a happy post!!!

So you can imagine how Penny has lifted my spirits right up to the sky! I am so lucky to have made so many good friends from blogland, and some like Penny give me more care than certain people who should do! No, don't worry,  its not George! He is a truly wonderful man, kind and loving and I am so lucky to have had him in my life for the past 25 years! He has stood by me through thick and thin, quite alot of thin!!!

It was just starting to snow on this photo, it got a lot thicker just after this! 

Look at these lovely goodies sent from my invisible friend Penny!

They were all wrapped so beautifully, so as I ripped the wrapping off in my eagerness to see what was inside, I suddenly thought "oh no! I should have taken a picture before I opened them!"  And what am I doing opening my presents before christmas, how naughty!  So I tryed to re-wrap the bigger one, look at the lovely ribbon and decoration on the top!

So! .....There was this gorgeous bookmark and the the saying is so apt from a friend who I have never seen in the 'real' world!

And this very pretty card in a cellophane wrapper all ready for me to use, but it is so pretty I will keep it all to myself!  Bekki at The Ramblings of an everyday Mummy made it, isn't it so lovely?!

Look at these rather sweet guest soaps too! They smell divine! The guests won't get a look in! I shall be using these a lot over christmas, aren't they wonderful?!

And last but not least...... a really gorg-geee-ous handmade card from Penny! It is so special, I shall keep it to bring out with my decorations every year and give it pride of place.

Bad Penny... you are a darn good Penny! You have made me want to do the christmas jig of happy! Thank you so much for brightening my christmas and reminding me to be grateful for all the wonderful people I do have in my life who give me care and warmth!

'See' you again in the new year, and I wish each and everyone of you a fantastic Christmas and a wonderful new decade! Merry Christmas to Penny and her family! This post is just for you today Penny! Kindness is like the ripples on a pond, spreading outwards on and on! Your kindness has been recieved by me and truly appreciated! There are still tears in my eyes!

Lots of hugs and love, suzie. xxx :)


  1. What a beautiful gift filled with love! Enjoy the holiday season and I hope the New Year brings good feelings. Christmas HUGS coming your way! Sending some to sweet Penny, too! Merry Christmas!

  2. Ah I see she got you too. I have left mine wrapped and am enjoying the anticipation of opening something that is mine and I have no idea of what is inside.

    I wish you every joy and hope that the downs soon peak soon.

  3. Much love this Christmas, hope you and your family have happy times. You are very lucky to have such sweet friends. What lovely gifts.
    Merry christmas
    Rachael XX

  4. Oh stop do !!! I'm blushing - what you all don't know is that when I ordered two lovely Christmas hearts from Suzie she added an extra one and now she tells me she never chashed my cheque so all three are gifts !

    ( credit to Bekki at Ramblings of an everyday mummy who made the Union Jack card ) I thought they looked very Cath Kidson and Suzie & I had a joke as I'm not really a CK girl & she is !

    Happy Christmas Suzie - I hope what's troubling you doesn't spoil it xx

  5. I shall make a link to Bekki if I can! No Penny, it won't spoil my christmas, it is an ongoing saga, so I am use to it! Its just christmas is so nostalgic and emotional anyway, it just seems to bring it out more! xxx

  6. Hi Suzie! It's lovely to have you back in Blogland even if just for a few minutes, as we are missing you already! Enjoy your gorgeus gifts and have a very merry Christmas! xxx

  7. Oh I'm glad you are back, now I can wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy Christmas!! I hope you and your lovely husband have a wonderful time. I look forward to January when you'll be back to entertain us again. Love to you, Sarah xxx Oh nice gifts by the way! Love that beautiful card.

  8. What a sweet person Penny sounds like. It's always a nice bit of cheer when the mail brings you a lovely surprise when you're down. Hope things will feel more "up" for you soon Suzie. You are too bright a spirit to have your lights dimmed.

    ~Hugs and Happy Holidays!

  9. Aren't bloggy friends just the best, lovely gifts from Penny.
    I'm so glad you like the card, when I first made them I didn't expect anyone to buy them but to of had to make more and know that one has been given as a gift really makes me smile.
    Thank you for the lovely comment on my blog, have a wonderful Christmas
    Love and ((hugs))
    Beki xxx

  10. What a lovely surprise!!! Blogland ladies are fantastic!!! Chin up love!!
    Special Christmas wishes to you and your family!! I hope the New Year brings you untold happiness!!

  11. What a lovely and thoughtful gift!

    Victoria xx

  12. A very Merry Christmas to you, dear Suzie! I hope you will soon sail into nothing but fair weather, and I'm happy you have loving stars to guide you right now. I for one am happy and honored to be a part of your galaxy-you are a blessing!
    Sending love your way, and wishing you a wonderful 2010.

  13. Wow, those are special things! I love those soaps- I have just added them to my wish list for last minute shoppers!! ;)

    I hope that you have the best of times this holiday season! I hope you find more peace and comfort in Christases to come. Take care of yourself, friend!

  14. Aww Penny is super sweet!
    Suzie; thanks again for all your lovely comments on my blog this year. Have a brill Christmas. Xxx

  15. Hoping you're okay hun! Have a good Christmas - we've got LOTS of snow, and I hate it! BTW have also updated my blog - about time! Lots of love,as always, Ro. xxxxxxxxxxxx

  16. Blessings to you and your family

    Have a wonderful Holiday.

    Merry Christmas

    (¸.•´ (¸.+´??¸.+´
    (¸.•´ (¸.+´? Heidi ?)

  17. Life seems to dish out some snow and thunder, rain and wind and a good amount of sun. I think most of our lives are sprinkled with a fair amount of not so fair weather. Christmas is a journey in sentiment for sure. What perfect timing for a lucky Penny to arrive in your life! Good medicine indeed.

  18. Hi Suzie,

    Awww it always makes me feel so wonderful when I hear of the kindness of follow bloggers! They never cease to amaze me with their generosity!

    I am sorry to hear you have been having a hard time. I hope you manage to have a fantastic Christmas & New Year!

    Rose XXX

  19. Hi Suzie, just a quick hello and lots of special Christmas wishes to you and your family! Hugs!

  20. Have a very happy Christmas - hope you are OK.

    Pomona x

  21. Just dropping in to wish you a very Happy Christmas!

  22. Merry Christmas Suzie
    I'm gonna knit a button tea cosy in the special days between Christmas and New Year! Wish me luck!

    Sending you lots of love

    Carolyn xx

  23. hope you have a very merry christmas!
    fliss xx

  24. Merry Christmas to you and your family, thank you for being such a wonderful blog friend this year

    Victoria xx

  25. Hi sweet girl, What a beautiful post and tribute to Penny and she did indeed do you well!

    I hope you are up to par now. My day yesterday was filled with a few disappointments and a little sadness and just low feelings brought on by circumstances not being as I had expected and then I was cruising the blogs and happened by chance (no such thing) to visit for the first time a gal named Melanie who in blogland is BellaMella and wow did I get a shot in the pants of humble pie.

    Her beautiful 12 year old son, Andrew died on Ded. 15 from brain tumors and she is such a strong woman and has such sadness and grief to cope with and ended up cheering me up by her strength and faith.

    I realized I had nothing to feel sad about and immediately felt ashamed of myself. I woke this morning to a new day and one of sunshine and have had a delightful day with hubby.

    Hope you have found the sunshine in your life today my sweet friend, Mollye

  26. What a great, sweet gift! Hope you and your family had/have such a lovely Christmas and enjoy the rest of the holidays! Your blog is such a delight to read, I look forward to next year!

  27. HAPPY NEW YEAR SUZIE love Penny xx


I love getting comments and I read and appreciate every one of them. I always try to answer them, but if you don't get a response it will be because I couldn't find a link to you. Suzie. XXX :)