Friday 19 February 2010

What kind of driver are you? And.. has your car got a name?

Hello all!

What a week! You get them sometimes don't you?  I know I do. I have been a bit stressed this week, but the trouble is I don't always know that I am stressed until I feel ill! For reasons that I feel I can't share, several different very personal situations have arisen these past few weeks which have been a bit of a strain.

 (Sometimes we just need some quiet time to reflect on everything. A time for inner inspection! A time to nurture the inner child.)

 Then after feeling like I have been juggling my emotions and my time, I went and got my first parking fine! I simply forgot to put my residents parking permit on show in the car park.  Of course it was because my brain was crammed full with people, emotions, etc., and I just wasn't thinking.

                  One of my stitcheries..Miss Happ. Very apt this week I think!

When I got home I found that Ralph the Old English Sheepie had stolen the pie which I had left on the side to defrost for tea, smashed a bowl and had attempted to eat the contents of the bin!
Butter wouldn't melt in his mouth!

Again, my fault, as 1.)   I know Ralph is a thief and therefore we never leave anything out and 2.)  I usually turn the bin round the other way when I go out.  In the evening I got one of my very sudden feeling ill sessions. boiling hot, bright red painful arm, temperature, and aching all over. I was giving off so much heat, that George got all happy, thinking we would get free heating from now on!  Finally, I realise that it must be when I am stressed, because the last time it happened was just before Christmas when I got stressed over getting my orders out on time, stockings, etc! It must cause a reaction in my Lymphodoema arm, (maybe because I get low and over-tired), as each time I get infection symptoms, but if I rest as soon as I get the first signs, it seems to correct itself without having to take the two weeks of penicillin!  I am a bit naughty, because If It happens and I get a temperature, and my arm goes red, I am supposed to go to the docs or the hospital, but I don't. Of course I would if the symptoms persisted though! I think I have to start being a bit stronger in myself when it comes to certain situations and people!  Anyway, getting a parking ticket got me thinking about the relationships we have with our cars!

One of my drawings, beep beep!

I am not the kind of person who's personality changes once they find themselves behind the wheel of a car. Ok, there have been occasional times when I may mumble under my breath... you could get a tank through there, or get out of the way! Generally though, no. What kind of of driver are you.... calm, cheery, grumpy, fast  ....slow?

I hate driving on the motorway, and every time I tell myself that I can stay in the slow lane if I want to, but every time I find myself over-taking everyone! I do like driving a bit too fast (nothing illegal!) and to have quite loud music on as I go along. Is it just me, but doesn't music sound really good in the car?

Yes, I have to admit, I have named my car, she is called Poppy. Anyone one else going to own up?!!! I bought this big daisy for her the other day, to brighten her (and my!) day.

 I love her, I really do, but I am thinking of selling her soon.  I don't really drive her enough at all, and I am seriously thinking I would be better with a bicycle!  If I can still remember how to ride one that is!  Why have a car you hardly use sitting in  the driveway, when you could have some much needed money for the house? Or what about this form of transport? Much more fun I think......although purely seasonal!

My brother and I in Nova Scotia, Canada.

At night, George won't allow me to drive, as I become as blind as a bat! Move over Mr. Maggoo! The on-coming head-lamps just dazzle me and make it so hard to judge widths, etc. Quite handy though when going out to an occasion though, as I get to be the one who can have that glass of vino or two!  George wonders if I have been putting it on all these years!

I have done some pretty silly things over the years too on the old driving front! Have you ever parked the car, and then on your return, have you got into the passengers seat? I have! And I had to do it when there was a man parked in front of me watching my every move! Hmmmm I thought, this isn't going to work at all! He was visibly amused as he watched me casually getting back out of the car and getting into the drivers seat.  I felt a right twit!  Another time I drove off after doing some shopping, and as I slowed down to leave the car park, a policeman rushed up to the car and knocked on my window. Oh  no I thought, what have I done now?  He smiled at me like I was a simpleton...." Do you know you have a cabbage on top of your car?" he asked me!

What about you? Any funnies or car names out there? I would love to hear them!

It is interesting how so many things now seem to be status symbols.....what type of car, mobile phone, label on clothes, seems to be so important these days to so many people. How sad. What happened to the worth of a person being dependent on character, actions and love, and not on silly superficial nonsenses! Yet, we see people more and more competing to have the latest fad!

What difference does it make to the person what kind of car they own, after all they are all still only  pieces of  metal on wheels, and one day will be rotting in some junk heap.

I love my car because it is cute, but a bicycle or a small runaround will do me fine!

Before I go this week I want to thank Jacqueline at Once upon a Fairyland  for sending me this beautiful card, pretty valentine token and a lovely tag. Pleas visit Jacqueline..she is a wonderful imaginative story teller. You really should write a book Jacqueline! Thank you so much, you made the end of a trying week turn into a more happy one... you can not imagine how you have cheered me up. It is so nice to find such kindness pop through your letter box!


AND! I was just about to publish this post when I have found out that I have been tagged by the very lovely Tracey at Tracey's crafty scraps to show the contents of my handbag, so I have just rushed to grab my camera!  Thank you Tracey for thinking of me!  Probably not very exciting , but here goes!

Umbrella, purse, lip shine, stamps,,cd (listened to in the car),  bus ticket, perfume, a button that had fallen off my jacket and of course a tissue!

Now I tag Ro at Bitchin' Witch

Valerie at For the love of Pete

Kay at Finding My Way

Sharon at My passport To Style

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Huge big smiles and big servings of belly laughs to each of you!

Suzie. xxx


  1. Well admission time, I have this problem that when I get behind the steering wheel I develop driving torrettes syndrome, it just happens, my daughters boyfriend says that I don't drive like a typical women, which is a bit of a worry, but he insists its a compliment in a non sexist way???? My kids used to be issued with ear muffs when they were young to protect their delicate hearing from my profanities! My car bless it is a little tatty and abused but it is so economical and much loved and is named Frieda (The Fusion). I do have a confession to make, I once got 'cut up' I was on the feeder lane onto a motorway and swore like a demon had possessed me, erm my mum and stepdad were in the car! Ooops. However not mentioned for a while, whilst out on a lovely drive in their car they too were 'cut up' and my stepdad said to my mum, quote "Oh, Ann what a motorway man"!!!!
    Have a great weekend.
    Nicky xx

  2. I knew the things in your bag would be pretty!!!

    Love that you call your car Poppy, if i had a girl i'd call her Poppy!!!
    I don't have a name for my car...although unreliable and pile of **** comes to mind at the moment!!! it's a 7 year old citeron c3 (never by a citroen...we have nothing but trouble with them) I'm hoping to get a nice new fiesta in magenta next month!!
    I'm much more of a confident driver since i had CBT, I never drove on motorways before..but i do now.

    Love the pic of the boy in the car xx

  3. Sorry to hear you've not beel well lately but you know what you have to do - stop and take care of number 1 for a little bit!!

    I am a non-driver. I've actually got to send my licence in for its 10 year renewal - that made me feel a little old and a little worried. That means the last time I drove was 10 years ago! Yep. My last driving experience was my driving test (which I am very smug to say I passed with only 3 minors). I've just never really really needed and more importantly, had the money, to buy a car and it's just never happened. I would most definitely need refresher lessons before getting behind a wheel again!

    The boyfriend however completely changes when he gets in a car. He's the calmest, most laidback person ever but when he gets in that tin can he turns into a raging boiling mass of emotions. It drives me round the bend.

    Naughty Ralph!! I am currently nursing a lacerated finger courtesy of Fred, who we've got staying for the weekend. I know I shouldn't eat crisps around him but every time I forget and out of nowhere the paw appears and snatches it out of my hand, catching my thumb in the process!

  4. I am soooo impressed with the contents of your handbag!!! The contents of mine would fill a skip!!! I drive (once I am allowed again) a Mini Cooper S which I LOVE!!! It doesn't have a name, and I try to be a considerate driver albeit a little impatient!!!! I do hpe you are feeling much better now my dear!!!

  5. Sorry - I meant I do hope you are feeling much better, my dear!!! Perhaps I need new specs - i read that too!!!!

  6. I think Blogland has a big cloud over it - roll on the spring ! Sorry to hear you were in pain again - naughty girl - get to the doc !

    I love your drawings so if Jacqueline writes a book - will you illustrate it ? I hope so.

    As you know I don't drive & have never wanted to. My eldest brother did get into the wrong car as he was reading his paper - the man sitting in the passenger seat was startled and my other brother sitting in the car behind was SNORTING WITH LAUGHTER !

    DD has a car now - not named as yet !

    Lovely post Suzie - have a great week end xx

  7. Oh Suzie, I so understand about the stress and bottling up things, it can be so hard somethimes, but internalising is not great, as we both know!

    Car wise, I only learnt to drive when pregnant with Mini (27 weeks) and my car is a skip, full of things that the children need and have part eaten etc!!

    When I dont have them in the car, I drive like I stole it (apparently according to Mr Mad), but I am aware that most of the time I carry precious cargo, so drive OK ish!!

  8. Oh Penny, so funny! I must blog about a similar story which involves George and another car! suzie. xxx

  9. Ha ha, I am enjoying reading these comments! Mummy Mad driving like you stole it! so funny! Yes , I do know that internalising is not good at all, we are living proof I think! xxx

  10. Sorry you've had a rough week, I have too. How come the contents of your bag are so pretty?! As for driving....I don't drive at night any more coz I'm blind as a bat too, In the day I'm like my hero Michael Schumacher! xxx

  11. Ahhh, Tracey, they are only pretty in that bag! That is because I haven't had it on the go that long yet! xxx

  12. Oh what a time you've had Suzie!

    I must admit that I get very upset when people demand their half of the road.. which happens to be the middle!

    My apologies too. I just this morning realized that I hadn't put a link on your lovely little blog award on my page. All done now :o)

    Have a lovely weekend in magical/beautiful Nova Scotia!

  13. Loved your blog - so funny - esp. the bloke in the car behind as you got in the passenger seat! Mind you - I beat you there - you know I don't drive? Well, I nearly got in the wrong car - it looked like ours, and the poor bloke must have thought it was a bit of carjacking!!!!!! Also, Dave and Cara and John were sat in OUR car watching it all!!
    Thanks for the tag! Will post that in my blog, which I will have to do asap!

  14. Oh, how I love your Friday posts!!
    now, what should I say first??
    Ralph is the cutest thief I have ever seen! I have a doggy thief in the house too, by the name of Cash. Better not leave the room with a snack on the table, he will be licking his chops when you come back to the room and your treat will never be found again (at least not in the condition you left it- eeeww!~) lol

    I hope you are feeling better, and I am sending over a spirit hug to you right now!! ;) Please take care of you arm- and yourself. Sometimes you can't go back to fix things that have gone wrong, dont take too many chances!

    Love your drawing, I giggled at Miss Happ!

    My first car was a beat to heck Toyota Corolla. The best little car ever. The thing would not die on me! It had so many miles on it-- 400,000+!!! It had more rust and aluminum tape on it that it ever should have, but it was fun to drive and got me where ever I needed to go. I named her Sylvia, and my friends still remember her!

    Have a great weekend, loving the loot you got from Jacqueline!

  15. Dear Suzie
    Sorry to hear you are having a trying time - is there something in the wind lately? Why are there so many of us having or supporting others with difficult times?
    I'm not surprised about your parking ticket - clearly so much to think about. My Mum drove away from a petrol station without paying just after her brother had died. She had no idea she'd done it until she got home. The staff at the garage were very understanding :-)
    My car doesn't have a name, as I tend not to name them (Ruby campervan is an exception!). But I do love my car very much indeed and feel a big bond with her after 8 and half years :-)
    I'm not looking forward to having to change cars when adopted child/ren arrive (mine has only 2 doors)..... I daren't tell my four-wheeled friend about it yet!!
    I know what you mean about the car sitting on the drive... I sometimes ponder this one as I might only use it 3 times in a week.... but I so much need to know it is there when I want it and I can drive wherever I please. I love the freedom of driving. And I try very hard to drive at the speed limit - much to the annoyance of the angry impatient men in big fast cars behind me - ha! ha!
    Wishing you a happy weekend and I hope you can have some peace of mind soon,
    Your pictures are beautiful!
    Denise x
    And thank you for your lovely comment over at my place ;-)

  16. Your post was great...and the comments are fun to read, too. Love your cute purse! And I wanted to say, I am a Queen now, too...isn't it grand? I drive a sports car and when I'm by myself I drive a little faster and more aggressive. I love having a car that responds well! The funniest thing I did was push the wrong button to get in the door...I opened the trunk. I had just come out of a restaurant and people were looking so I pretended to get something out of my trunk! lol Fun post! Hope your weekend is better! ♥

  17. I love any of your posts that show a lot of your crafting and artwork! I just love them!!!
    As I was reading about your driving I kept thinking "that's me!" as I do so many of the same things. John's constantly telling me, "don't look directly at the lights" while driving at night but they're just so sparkly. lol I hate the freeways too. I do a lot of the driving since John's back is so unpredictable. During the day I'm fine and even tho I try to stay in the slow or middle lanes I usually end up in the fast lane. Then when I need to get off at my exit everyone is going too slow for me to get over.
    I haven't named a car in many years, although our last truck had quite a few choice names I cannot repeat here.
    I hate the stereo type "woman driver" even though I'm a perfect example. I can get so involved in listening to the radio or thinking of things I need to get done that I'll drive right past my own house.
    Your purse is way too empty compared to mine!
    Thanks for another lovely start to the weekend, Sweetie! I do hope you are feeling better. PLEASE take care of yourself!!!!

  18. I'll own up... my cars called Benny!!

    Victoria xx

  19. I like that! Benny! Oh yes. xxx

  20. Hi Suzie! Sorry to hear you've been unwell,hope you can have a good rest this weekend.
    Although my keyring is a leather snail...I'm a very fast (and angry sometimes) tiny car is a lovely light blue, but most of the time seems to be invisible to other drivers!!!
    Have a lovely weekend and take care! xxx
    P.S.I've never forgot cabbages on the top, LOL!

  21. Hi Suzie Q, I'm smiling at thinking of you behind the wheel and am reminded of all my kids who do fine with me driving except when I am in a parking lot. That is when I can become dangerous!!! Something about that perephrial vision!! Hope your week is wonderful. Happy hugs my little friend, Mollye

  22. I'm afraid to admit that my personality definitely changes when I get in the car. I always wonder why people are in such a big hurry and I absolutely HATE tail-gaters. I will slow down to a snail's pace when someone does that to me. Fortunately, I don't leave my little town here too often and don't have to deal with heavy traffic. I hate when I have to go into the city.

    Hope your world calms down soon and you feel better.


  23. I've decided the side of me that relates to you most is the old auntie wanna be Auntie Jacqueline who firmly believes some rules really do need to be broken!
    I LOVE Miss Happ! Could we simply have old auntie code names of Miss Happ and Auntie Jacqueline. We could go driving like Miss Daisy and wear purple and quote the poem...When I am old, I shall wear purple!
    My car....I have to bolt it to the garage everyday because my husband keeps wanting to sell it and I love the thing...she's a girl car and she has been through so much with me. We slid off the icy road together once in the snow and we were both rescued by some handsome Dutch farmers.
    Her name is Little Miss Bitchy...because she is a Mitsubishi! Go ahead...laugh, I'm laughing with ya! Love you, feel better soon...hang the emotions on the clothes line to air out!

  24. Hi Suzie! I suppose we all have weeks like that. If I could transmit a hug to you over the computer wires, I definitely would. We have lost a great many treats here due to thieving pups. And I've been snagged for tickets when I least expected to. Keep on smiling that bright smile of yours! And you have many a friend here who will help make the upcoming week better!

  25. I think I change a little behind the wheel. I don't tolerate cars traveling at a turtles pace very well and also cars driving in the passing lane drives me absolutely insane!!!

    Please take care of your wonderful self!


  26. I had cars when I was younger, but they never had names;I worked with horses and when you spend all day with such personalities, giving a car a name seems daft. Then I had no car for years. Our first car was a little turquoise number, and I called her Dolly. That was my grandmother's name and the car was just the sort my grandmother would have driven, if she had ever learned. But when Dolly was only fit for S.C.R.A.P., and we bought a newer car, I couldn't face the guilt of doing in an old friend, so the new car is just "the car". Actually the model of car is my husband's late mother's name (no, she wasn't called Fiesta!!)

  27. Hi Suzie!
    I'm letting it all hang out on my blog:) Thanks for tagging me!
    Please take care of yourself and I hope everything causing you stress is resolved soon:)
    We haven't given our current car a name-but if I could someday have a vintage beauty I would surely name it! The color of our current car is called Pacific Blue- and I think that is pretty.
    You are wonderful!!!

  28. Hi Suzie,
    Hope you are feeling better now, sounds like you've had a rough time recently. I have to say I had a chuckle at the Ralph/Pie incident! My auntie always had old english sheepdogs and I know how they can hunt out food! Clumsy used to hunt out selection boxes hidden in closed wardrobes and open the box, remove the tray and then open the contents. There used to be a trail of chocolate wrappers leading to a very guilty looking pooch! I have to agree that things these days are all about status,I always drove old cars unntil a couple of years ago my other half surprised me at christmas with a blue mini convertible- he is called Turkleton! If you have ever watched Scrubs, thats what Turk and Carla have...!
    Hope you feel better soon, have a great sunday
    BH x

  29. My husband and I were once leaving a restaurant, deep in coversation, and we simply got inside the wrong car. Both of us. Me on the passenger side, and him behind the wheel. We sat there for a moment feeling odd and then it slowly dawned on us that we were not inside our own car. We jumped out as if electrocuted! A very strange happening. Fortunately, the owner of the car was no where to be seen!!

  30. #1. it worries me that you dont go to the doctor when this sort of thing flares up..
    #2. your dog would have to be THE cutest pup i have ever seen.
    #3. we recently bought ourselves a new car and she is called 'babyblue' and she is real sexy with a tail fin and all (not sure of its purpose but it looks sleek ) and our old run about is called 'milkywhite' named by my girls i used to call her 'mailbu' back in my drinkin days :)
    #4. look after youself!

  31. O.K..... This was too funny! Oh, not the stressed part as I can so understand that.... We are sisters-under-stress but I think we all have it in extreme at times.
    The other day I went to drop off my taxes at the accountants. Now the parking lot will only hold about 10 cars & is so small..... I parked our new SUV that is a very dark red. When I came out I went to the drivers door & realised it wasn't mine. It was the same color...parked right next to mine but it was an old delapidated van. Of course I scurried away & to mine as fast as my legs would go. I was just grateful there was not a dog in it as it would have scared 10 years off me.
    I felt like a dummy but there again..... stress & just being preoccupied with life's stupidity!! LOL!! ((ya' gotta' laugh...)) LOL!!
    Have a Great Week!

  32. I try to be a considerate driver but sometimes people do annoy me and I have a little rant!
    My car doesn't have a name but my Sat Nav is called Ursula!

  33. Stress and emotions are difficult things and i think definitely linked to our health. I hope your situation resolves itself and you put your health first.
    I got beeped by an impatient driver when i was doing nothing wrong? apparently driving into oncoming traffic at the roundabout was what he wanted. Ah hello! it was quite intimidating actually. You never know what nutcase is behind the wheel. Impatient drivers are scary people, so i try not to be like that. Toodles! Cathy x


I love getting comments and I read and appreciate every one of them. I always try to answer them, but if you don't get a response it will be because I couldn't find a link to you. Suzie. XXX :)