Friday 26 February 2010

I have a confession!......

Hello all you rather wonderful peeps!

Hope you all have had a good week, and I am so sorry if I have not been commenting as much, but I have been helping, visiting and getting my Dad's 80year old cousin to hospital for a hip op. It has turned itnto quite a chaotic affair, thus adding to stress levels here at Owl tree cottage!  To be polite... lets just say, to quote one of the nurses, she is an extremely strong minded woman. Enough said!  Also, I have been recovering from my last bout of incredible red expanding armitis!

Before I get onto my confession, here is a little drawing I have done this week, tis about the only thing I have managed to do all week on the old creative side! I will probably be turning her into a stitchery at some point in the future!

A confession I hear you ask, what could it be?  Oooh I feel so quilty!  Ok, here goes.... I am so far from perfect, and have been guilty of showing you all the best bits, the pretty bits. Just as I like soft gentle music and then the next minute I am listening to ear drum shattering heavy music, or wearing a pretty monsoon number and the next donning my scruffs, or worse still ... my pyjamas (oh yes!), I tend to live life in a constant state of everything!

I aspire to the idea of living in a gorgeous beautiful world, but sometimes it just doesn't happen, partly due to lack of money and deifnitely due to my personality! In my home, there is a huge pile of ironing, jobs that need finishing, jobs that need starting! Messy corners. It is a mix, just like me!  I also have a wonderful  Job Creation Team (see facebook!).  You see, the handbag I showed in my show us your handbag post, was my newest , most prettiest one. And as I have only just made it, I have filled it with pretty things. It just hasn't been contaminated by my haphazardness yet!

I would love all my handbags to be filled with interesting, lovely bits and bobs like these.....

My little compact mirror, sparkly earrings and an owl charm (which has fallen off my mobile phone!) and a sweet rose quartz heart!

But the reality is most of my other handbags are filled with this!.....

Yum, those minstrels were good! loose change, receipts, and free pen! Even an old poppy!

Oooh nice! Pooper scooper bags, now thats more like it! nice pen though! Old tickets...

Tickets to grand designs show (3 years ago!) , a small tube of toothpaste, an old ticket and some tissiues...probably so that I can wipe that dog's nose that I keep in my handbag too! hee hee!

Now! I feel cleansed of my blogging sins! Ha ha, I am sat in my pyjamas right now!

Each week, for a few weeks, I have decided that I shall share a George story with you all to cheer your days!

PUBLIC WARNING: No Georges were harmed in the telling of this tale! (I have his permission!)

This little tale is told to illustrate how at times I can be a bit daft and well,  frankly,  askew!

A few years ago, George was awaiting an important phone call from a possible future employer. He told me to expect the call and stressed how excited he was about the possibility of another interview.

Anyway, the phone rang, I picked it up and the man at the other end of the receiver, after a short introduction, asked for George. I replied in my very best and polite voice ....." I'm sorry, I'm not here at the moment". There was a silence, followed by a small giggle from me, followed by another stifled giggle,  followed by a full on wholehearted guffaw. I just COULD not stop! I manged to force out "I'm sorry", but he put the phone down. He was obviously not amoosed!

I think I have had this stitchery on before , so if I have... sorry!

George never heard from him again, he told me that he may have had the chance of an second interview, but the man had obviously decided that his wife was a complete nutter! Well, you know what they say... behind every successful man....sorry George, you have a buffon behind you!

He didn't mind really though, as it would have meant moving away, and we were not at all sure of doing that.

Coming soon.... George's hilarious car story! Its a good one, so stay tuned!

Until next week, a big thank you to all of you who read my silly blog, those who leave such wonderful comments, (some even comment every week!), no fail, and to all my followers too (I really don't like that expression, it is a bit weird! like I either have a line of people trailing behind me, or I am some type of head of a loopy cult!)  Anyway, I really, really do appreciate you all so much! Thank you!

Suzie. xxx


  1. You made me laugh!!!!
    Sorry, I am not here to leave a comment :D

    Hope you are feeling better. Those handbag shots = my reality as well! I use a few bags, and each for a different purpose.

  2. Hope things calm down a bit and that your dads cousin makes a speedy recovery.
    Love your handbag shots. The honesty is warming. After all a house is to live in;)
    Poor George, I'm glad it all worked out ok in the end. You make me smile,
    Have a fun weekend,
    Rachael XX

  3. Morning Suzie! I am like you also...I strive for the nice and the pretty, but really my house is just chaos! I just like to dream of what it could be and hope that someday I will get there! One has to have hope! I like the George story...can't wait to hear about the car tale! Have a fabulous weekend! xxxxx

  4. Oh Suzie, please can you e-mail me your address!

    We love Eels infact the new Album popped through the letterbox yesterday and I cant wait to have a listen. It is father fab listening to mini singing the songs on El Hobre Lobo - He might not be a go all nighter now, but it does make me giggle.

    Mum is in hospital again and she is very strong willed, so we are trying to hold things together, I had to call 999 on Tuesday and I had Mini with me.

  5. 'HeHe' love your honesty, i'm sat in my pyjamas whilst writing this and probably won't get dressed untill midday when we have to do the weeks shopping.
    You already know how much I love your drawing, can't wait to see it turned into a stitchery.

    Have a great weekend

    Beki xxx

  6. I'm still in my nightie & the house isa a tip !

    Oh Suzie what a giggle. You could have made out you wre a visiting 80 tear old relative !

    Your handbags contain the REAL things tht my pockets are full of !

    Lovely stichery get well - our poor arms s sorry for you xxxx

  7. Your story made me laugh. I'll let you into a little secret my handbag mostly looks like yours too. xx Pixie xx

  8. Just found your blog, I love your drawings.
    Emma x

  9. Oh Suzie you are a tonic, I have been chuckling away here.

    Hope everything goes well with your "strong minded" relative. I rather hope I will be strong minded and a bit batty if I get to a great age. I think its your reward in life.

    Love your beautiful drawing. So pretty. Your handbags look the same as mine inside! I have alsort of weirdness in them sometimes! lol. And when I can get away with it I stay in my jammies for as long as possible too! lol.

    I know what you mean about striving for a beautiful lovely house and err it not going to plan. But I think that's like everybody. Its striving for it that can be the fun.

    Loved your George story. Glad it worked out alright in the end.

    Take care and have a wonderful weekend.


    P.S Oh and I am with you on the followers thing. I always feel as if I should be wearing sandles and a flowing robe, possiably with a flowing beard!!!

  10. Hi hunni
    Thanks for popping over and leaving a comment.
    Your "little drawing" is absolutly stunning I have fallen in love with it. Do you sell them?
    If not, why not?

    I enjoyed looking at your handbag pic's it's nice to see that I'm ot the only one who's bag is full of rubbish ( although I'm sure mine is ten time's worse lol)

    I hope things settle down with your dad's cousin soon.

    Take care

  11. You are so NORMAL! I laugh my head off at your tales, why can't you live just down the road???? I need a daily Suzie tonic to keep me going! xxx

  12. Hello Suzie, just think if your handbag was that organised with very pretty thing, you wouldn't be you, I also have piles of ironing, corners that need a good spring clean etc etc etc, however, most of the time I'm too busy getting on with everything else. Worry not my dear.

    Hugs RosieP x

  13. I'm smiling. No that is wrong I'm cracking up laughing. Love the reality of the purses. Hey that could be a new TV Show "Reality Purses". And George, well what's not to love about a guy with a dynamic personality and sense of humor. It get's us through the roughest of times doesn't it? I dream of someday owning one of your pencil sketches and would probably end up stitching it too! But the kicker of your tale here today is being a buffoon. Wild, wacky, zany and loveable you.

    As far as calling us followers........ well my gosh can you just imagine if everyone wanted to always be the leader. What chaos there would be. I love following the leaders. Luvs you too, Mollye

  14. You made me laugh! Poor George! Love the drawing. I'm with you on the follower bit!

  15. Suzie I love being one of your followers and thanks for stopping by DollieD this week! Sounds like you have had a busy week - my mum is already at that 'determined stage' and she is only 61 teehee - hope she isn't readng my comments :-) Your little fairy girl picture is GORGEOUS - I keep meaning to do a fairy themed post, along with some fairy cakes ... maybe I will have some baking time this weekend. Have a lovely relaxing weekend too xxx

  16. You sound like a perfectly normal human to me. If life was like we always want it to be what would we have to strive for? I try so hard to keep my purse cleaned out, doesn't happen. I love the phone conversation. I may do that on purpose next time someone who I or my husband don't want to talk to calls.

  17. Suzie,
    There is no place I'd rather go--in the big wide world of the internet, where I laugh so hard I spill my coffee, cry a little and need chocolate for comfort, see beautiful handmade works of art or feel like I'm in the company of a wonderful friend--than your blog. I feel so lucky to have found you, and blessed to be a follower!
    Love, Valerie

    "I'm sorry, I'm not here at the moment."
    Next time the phone rings.....! Oops, there goes more coffee!

  18. Scary bags, I usually make another one, so when my latest is full, I can transfer the sensible stuff and leave the crap in the old one. Don't you just love it though when you go to an old bag and find money in it best ever feeling. Hope you have a lovely week. Looking forward to the next installment of the 'Life of George'.
    Nicky x

  19. Has the hip op not taken the wind out of your Dad's Aunts sails?? It did mine - but not as much as my knee!!! You handbag is pretty standard I am sure!! I wouldn't dare show the contents of mine!!! I did giggle about the George story!!! Have a great weekend!!

  20. Hi Suzie, I love all that is pretty and dainty. Sometimes, however, I get so busy with things that my home looks rather less than pretty and dainty! LOL But I do the best that I can and strive to create loveliness out of chaos!
    Hope you have a fantastic weekend, and I look forward to speaking with you again soon. :)

  21. I love pretty bags and purses, too and feel the same should have a beautiful compact and a fancy lipstick, etc...mine has too many loose kleenexes!lol I love your George story. I am a bit goofy like that, too! We would get along great! ♥

  22. Haha, love the George story!

    Your fairy drawing is beautiful; she looks so sweet and content.

    Why do we carry around so much rubbish?! And why do we need so many bags??! I'm terrrible for paper tissues - must have about 20 in my bag at the minute!

    Sharon x

  23. It’s ok I emptied my bag of about a million fruitella wrappers last night!

    Victoria xx

  24. Oh you are such a naughty lady!! Poor George! And as for those hand bags, goodness why do I only have one? I feel so underdressed now. Actually if I had more than one bag I'd always be forgetting things as they would be in another bag.

  25. You are a complete hoot....I love reading your posts they do make me smile and I love, love your fairy... do you do commisions?

    Poor George... but what an amazing team you are... big hugs Alex

  26. ...and you said that Penny is "totally" mad, eh?! Best wishes to your dad's cousin, hope you and your dear hubby are having a lovely weekend! xxxxx

  27. I love having having a "piece of you" everyweek. It's the best cupcake around! You make me laugh out loud and my Len just shakes his head. I told him the George story and he said...don't you dare tell the Len stories...mostly they are inventions of his like the doll house bathroom plunger to take lint out of belly buttons...okay...THIS is why I have my Auntie Jacquelines blog so I can be naughty!
    Your purse and my purse could be kissing cousins they have so much in common. A doggie tissue here and there, dog bones, free pens and a good pair of tweezers for wild hairs.
    I'm learing to love you, BIG!
    Your girl, with the curl.

  28. he he he heeeeeee!!! it is so funny the thing with the bag, I have the same problem... but now I now I am not alone in crime!!! :O) You can find underground tickets in my bag, useless foreign coins from trips, empty boxes of chewing-gum... until I remember to finally clean my bag! Have a lovely weekend! :O)

  29. good god woman i have 2 bags one for every day and one for going out at night (which never happens)
    george is lucky to have a pooperscooping, nightie wearing cad like you :)

  30. love the George story and your cute handbags. Also enjoyed the sweet Mr Depp on Jonathan Ross. Did you see Sade? I was blown away by the Soldier of Love song.

  31. Does George get to read the blog?! I love your pretty handbag, and am impressed by the modesty of the contents. My bag is usually so heavy I can't pick it up, and totally full of unnecessary stuff!

    Pomona x

  32. Now those are the types of bags that most resemble mine, only they're much more organized. My bag is usually like a survival kit. I keep things I never use but...I have just in case. I've empited out quite a bit because it was getting to my back.
    The phone story made me giggle because I could see myself doing the same thing. Plus once your funny bone has been struck, no matter how hard you try to contain yourself, it's lost till you get it out of your system.
    I hope you've had a nice, stress (free/less?) weekend and that the week ahead is much nicer for you! xxxx

  33. I so love seeing the inside of other peoples bags...It makes me feel more normal since mine ios often a mess! Your drawing is just precious!

  34. If this is a cult then I'm happy to be a follower!! (Just don't go trying to get us to kill ourselves though ok?!)

    I've the incredible red expanding armpits are now deflated.

    Love the cow stitchery - we're working on a project in stitch and bitch at the moment and I just did a little mini design and I'm oh so very proud of it. And it's not even impressive! But to me it is. Should be writing about it some time this week.

  35. I'm sitting in my jammies thinking about turning my bag out but even you would be horrified ... because I don't have/use lots of bags so just one is full of ---- and I'm not ready yet to confess, the sin is too big, but a girl needs these things ... you never know when a year old bus ticket, old lolly stick, shredded leaf, safety pin, button, bits of fluff etc. are going to come in handy do you?

    My cosy is coming along. I was going to post it on B for berries, C for cosy, E for embroidery but I think it will end up on T for tea at the rate I'm going!

    Have a lovely week


  36. A strong-minded woman, you say? Makes me think of Diana in Waiting for God who would 'borrow' her niece's Porche and tell irritating people to 'bugger off'. Fantastic!
    Thanks for showing us your bags (and dog's nose). It's nice to know handbag junk affects other people, too. xx

  37. THanks for the giggles!
    Sorry about your arms, but somethings got to give with all your trials at present.
    Glad to see you're handbag is alot like mine!
    Have a lovely weekend xx.


I love getting comments and I read and appreciate every one of them. I always try to answer them, but if you don't get a response it will be because I couldn't find a link to you. Suzie. XXX :)