Friday 5 February 2010

My birthday week! Whats your perfect birthday?

Greetings Earthlings!

What a lovely birthday week I have had! Thank you to all of you who have sent me birthday wishes! George has had a few days off this week, so it seems like my birthday every day, so I am sorry if I haven't been keeping up to date with all your wonderful blogs! How would you like to spend a dream birthday?

This week though I have squeezed in enough time to make something for Lissylou's good cause. You can find further info about this here! I hope this is the kind of thing she was thinking of, I designed it specially for her, so she will be receiving the prototype!


Now then, what have I been up too?  Oh yes!  One evening we decided that we would go for a drink at a local pub and then try out a new Thai takeaway..... so I set the table with a Thai (ish!) theme, well more Chinese really! Our brother in-law is chinese mandarin, and our niece brought us the lovely chopsticks.......



....... but the Thai was closed, so we drove to Blackpool (4 miles away) to look for a Thai, but the one we found looked a bit iffy! What to do?  Well go for greek of course! So Greek we had, on a thai table and very nice it was too!
My birthday was lovely, one of the nicest ever, lots of birthday wishes, this lovely card from Penny at The hen house, isn't it gorgeous?  Penny made it, she is so clever! 

Next to it you can see a card from my lovely friend Ro ( I can't leave a link, as her blog is acting up, well it is for me anyway! sorry Ro, I have tryed to read it a few times now!) who also sent me a wonderful scrapbook made about 27 years ago, about me and her and our time working  in the Civil service.

I was a very lucky birthday girl and got these beautiful flowers off one friend....

And from another friend this fab cushion.....

This book and cd too ......

Very good cd!
While George has been off we have been attempting to sort out insurance.... so George was on the phone answering some ( a lot!) of questions about his health, after which he was accepted on the spot. He was giving me the thumbs up from across the room.  Next was my turn for the interrogation! Now, since my diagnosis I have not really had any insurance because a) It is almost impossible to get any company to insure me  ( I remember being told that after five years you can be, not sure though!) and b) the ones that are willing are ridiculously expensive. I am considered a high risk. so, George smiling to himself as he hears me saying no, I haven't had that, and no not that either. Question, cancer, erhhhh yes, hmmmm, any breathing problems, or chest complaints, errrr yes, very mild asthma....hmmmmm,  any heart conditions?  Errrrr..... a heart murmur, but!   I say in a jolly voice, only when I lie down!  Hmmmmmm.....have any of your parents died before the age of 65?  Errrr.... yes both, from cancer. Hmmmmmm.....! By this time George is trying to hide his laughter, and stands up and gives me a ......

What a wonderful likeness George!

Needless to say I was not accepted on the spot, I will be getting more forms and questions! And then an expensive quate, no doubt!

Quite funny really!   I think I will concentrate on something much more pretty and pleasant!

Ahhhh thats better! Back in La la land where I belong!  The land of sweet imaginings, and beauty! 

Well, I am off now, to enjoy the rest of my birthday week. How greedy is that, to make your birthday go on all week!  I don't mind being one year older at all,  I am just so happy to be allowed to get older! 

What is your perfect birthday, how would be your ideal way to spend it?

I will try so hard to catch up with all of the blogs this weekend!  
Have a wonderful happy weekend everyone!  Love to you all. Suzie. xxx


  1.'ve kept it quiet, eh?!
    Happy birthday Suzie, have a wonderful weekend!

  2. I love the pin cushion, espeically the needles tag. Very clever.

    Cushion is great too , oh and the flowers adn the CD, well the whole lot really. That card is fab, Penny is very talented isnt she.

    I am gad you had a lovley birthday. Reagrding the insurance. I can not get any, never will be able to since the genetic test!!

    Bah. bah, bah Big thumbs down

  3. Glad you had a lovely week. Those flowers are so pretty & delicate - might have to show that pic to hubby !

    A woman in my T'ai Chi class can't get insurance & was in Vietman with her friend for a holiday of a lifetime when the friend fell ! Luckily they were repatriated both on the friend's insurance & will return to Vietnam this year. She did laugh though as the friend was flown home first class & she was in economy !

    Have a great weekend xx

  4. Belated birthday wishes Dear Suzie!!!
    Wishing you a scrumptious year ahead.
    ♥ Kali

  5. Happy Birthday To You!!!!!! It's a great idea to have a birthday week! I love all your gifts! Sounds like you had had a nice week so far....hope that you have a fantabulous weekend also! love Vanessa xxxxx

  6. Happy birthday Suzie, I love the pin cushion

    RosieP x

  7. Thank you darling it is lovely!!!!!!

    Enjoy the rest of your birthday week xxxxx

  8. So glad you had a lovely birthday! Thai yum, we love it too. Especially my brother, who can speak Thai too and is currently at the end of a holiday there.
    I'm relaxing after our first week of school. Tea, chocolate and relaxation! Have a lovely weekend and good luck with the insurance. Cathy xx

  9. My sentiments exactly... every day is a gift... and I don't bother with fretting about an appointment or something I don't want to do but have to do... I worry about that on the day.. lol

    What a fabulous week... and such lovely gifts... My birthday is on a sunday this year and its always in the school holidays... I think I will have a week of trips and days out and make it special... thanks for the idea.. oh and many happy returns...

    big hugs
    Alex x

  10. Belated Birthday Wishes to you. I can't get insurance either!

  11. Oh I wish I had been there to help spoil you too! Happy Happy belated birthday and week and I'm wishing from across the big pond that you sill have the bestest year ever in 2010. Your little pin cushion is adorable and you got some mighty fine gifties. How bout a picture of George for us? Love ya girl, Mollye

  12. Happy belated birthday!! What lovely gifts you received!!! I love the pin cushion you made for LissyLou!!! I'd love it myself!!!

  13. You are an inspiration Suzie, just love ya!
    Even fish and chips would taste lovely in your thai-ish

  14. Oh happy birthday, Suzie!! Im glad you had some time off with George! Looks you got quite a lot of loot for you birthday- lucky you! Every bit of it is fabulous.

    Good luck on the insurance issue, I think its a sin that they could ever reject anyone, or charge them high fees like this.... I hope all goes well for you.

  15. I definitely live in La La land right alongside you! Happy Birthday to you! Mine was over a week ago and I am still celebrating! heehee! Love all your pretty things! My treasures are still in a neat little stack to enjoy! Birthdays come but once a year...we need to keep the celebration going! HAVE FUN! ♥♥♥

  16. So happy to hear that yo have a lovely birthday week! I LOVE Florence & the was one of my favorite releases last year. :) Your table setting looked so lovely, and what beautiful gifts you received. And I like that you mentioned "birthday week!" A week's worth of celebrating one's birth is a definite must!!!
    Theresa :)

  17. I think it's a fab idea to have a birthday week and I'm so glad to hear you've enjoyed and made the most of it. xx

  18. You know what I love most about all your fun gifts? That they show how well loved you are...which must mean that you also give a lot of love! Happy Birthday, and may this next year be even more wonderful!

  19. oh Dear Sweet Suzie, you are doing it all wrong. It's not birthday week once you hit 40, it's birthday MONTH!!!!!! It's especially fitting for any woman who has had to hear, "you're how old?", been called "M'am" and my favourite, "You look good for your age"(for your AGE???).
    I LOVE the pin cushion!!! So cute!
    Leave it to you to be able to laugh at the insurance company as well. I like you more and more everyday. :)
    Now back to celebrating life!

  20. oops sorry I forgot you are only 29, you only get 1 week. You were correct, my mistake :)

  21. Happy birthday, I am glad you had a lovely week. You received some great pressies.
    I love your sweet pincushion for LissyLou
    Have a great weekend
    Rachael XX

  22. those are gorgeous presents- esp. the pillow and the florence and the machine cd. seems like you're having a great bday!

    oh, by the way, just found your blog but i'd still like to say happy belated birthday. you seem nice! :)

  23. What a beautiful birthday you have had :O) I adore the pin cushion so very sweet and special. Thank for you lovely words, I have had some wonderful advice and tips so hopefully there may be a kittle more done around here ;)


  24. Happy birthday and what lovely gifts you received

    Victoria xx

  25. Ok Kay so funny! I am definitely on a birthday month then! xxxx

  26. It seems a few of you are understanding the insurance issue! xxxxx

  27. Am so glad you had a great Birthday week! Also glad you got the Florence album - was meaning to ask you about that but you've beat me to it! What a pisstake about the insurance - I don't know anything about stuff like that, but at the end of the day they're all in it to make money, so tell 'em to take their (probably extortionate) policy and shove it where the sun don't shine! Working at the Pit was an experience I don't think we'll ever forget - esp. getting high on that cleaning fluid when the Heap made us clean the bonking machines! Bet all your readers minds are boggling if they read this!!!

  28. Well I'm glad you enjoyed your birthday even if you did keep it a secret! Happy late birthday Suzie. You make it stretch out as long as they will let you.

    Loved your conversation with the insurance person. Quite awful really but well written.

  29. Sarah, I think it is rather funny really! You get used to it after a while! suzie xxx

  30. Suzie happy belated birthday xxxx Hope you have had a wonderful week - I have been a little absent with my blogging this week :-( You share the same birthday as my good friend Hannah!

  31. Hi Suzy,

    Just wanted to wish you a happy belated birthday. Sounds like you had a great week.

    Love all your pressies you lucky lady you. And I just brought Florence and the machine album too. Really good!

    Loved what you made for Lissylou too. Its gorgeous!


  32. Mummy and everyone (Ro too, as you were the one who told me how good the cd was!) Florence and the machine grows on you like a clinging ivy on an old atmospheric building of old! It seeps into your soul and gets better with each listening! it is good! xxxx

  33. Hi Suzie

    Lovely to "meet" you on facebook but I'm just checking out your gorgeous blog. That pin cushion is lovely!!! Someone will be very lucky buying that one. You got some brilliant presents, I am especially envious of the flowers and that stunning cushion!

    Mel xxx

  34. Aw the tea cup is super cute!

    happy birthday!

  35. Belated Birthday greetings and I am off to visit Amazon to see if they have a copy of that film I'm after, have you seen Amelie? with the wonderful Audrey its a really good film too.
    Nicky xx

  36. Glad you had a great birthday although not so great to hear about the insurance - boo to them!!

    No idea what my perfect birthday would be, I'm trying to figure it out at the moment because mine is in 2 months time - Easter Day in fact!

  37. What are the chances you could go into week two with birthday celebrations!!!

    I am glad that you enjoyed it and a belated Happy Birthday to you!

  38. Happy Birthday Suzie! I'm glad your special day was as wonderful as you are! Sorry I am so late with this greetings too, but I blame it on my computer. It picked a fine time to take a powder!
    I hope your whole year is one of your best ever, and I look forward to staying in touch through blogs and FB!

  39. Heads up! Learn to Crochet by Sally Harding ISBN:978-1904485322 is probably the best beginners book around. DO NOT GET A COPY FROM AMAZON AS THE PRICE IS RIDICULOUS it cost about £3.95 I think? Its very simply layed out and UK terminology, if you have trouble getting it ring Coats Crafts(UK)they are really helpful and I will keep a look out for you too. I love crochet it keeps me sane!
    Have a lovely weekend and thanks for your comments.
    Nicky xx


I love getting comments and I read and appreciate every one of them. I always try to answer them, but if you don't get a response it will be because I couldn't find a link to you. Suzie. XXX :)