Friday 22 January 2010

Haiti, It could have been any one of us!!

Halo again!

No that wasn't a typo..... Yesterday morning I was sipping my warming early morning cup of tea, tucked up in my cosy bed, safe and sound, when on the radio I heard a man telling of a rescue he had carried out in Haiti, He heard a noise coming from underneath the rubble of people' s homes and lives, and he quickly set about digging and pulling the debris out of the way... he saw a hand of a woman reaching out to him, and he said when he grabbed hold of her hand it was like holding the hand of God.

A woman who has just been rescued from a collapsed building is smiling and joyful to be found alive!

In amongst the grief and the suffering comes a miracle to show us once again how precious the gift of life really is. It is a reminder of how we are all so vunerable and no one is ever promised an easy time of it. Those of us who are tucked safe and sound in countries which are not prone (yet) to natural disasters or severe poverty, or any kind of extreme hardship or suffering are truly very lucky to have been born in such a fortunate place. Any one of us could have been born elsewhere and could be right at this moment undergoing the emotional and physical agony which has befallen the people of Haiti.

So it cheers me greatly to know that there are living angels in this world of ours, people reaching out at times like these to help others in need. Hence my greeting to you all! I know that not enough is getting to Haiti, but still there are many people donating and trying in many ways to help. There are even tiny ways that can help, like on Ebay for instance, when making a payment at the moment there is an option to add £1 to your payment for Haiti. Ok! It doesn't seem much, and some may think well I can't give enough so it won't make any difference. But just imagine if everyone using Ebay added that £1 each, that would amount to quite a sizeable sum!

I have copied and pasted this from Theresa at Faerie Moon Creations, such a good idea for such a good cause!
"In case anyone is interested, there is a lovely group on etsy~ is a collaborative of etsy sellers who have donated items to be sold with 100% of the funds going to Doctors without Borders. Over $10,000 has been raised so far! I posted about it recently:"

Can any of us imagine suddenly losing everything, relatives, homes, community?  The only slight understanding that I have of it, is from George's family's story. His parents came over during the war from Poland. But before they arrived here they had had to leave their homes, land,  possessions... just leave... families split up for ever. Georg'es Mum had to travel across Siberia, she watched her Mother and Sister starve to death, and her other Sister went to America. So who can even contemplate the plight of the poor souls in Haiti right now as I write this.

Yes, we can become very complacent when all seems to be ticking along nicely! People moan and complain about the most ridiculous things, like being stuck in a queue ( I think.. you are lucky to be able to stand in a queue! Look at the looting going on in Haiti!), at least they are not in a hospital waiting for some awful procedure! Can you imagine the terror of being buried in the rubble of a building?  It makes the plane being late a little trivial doesn't it? The times I have seen impatience and rudeness because people are in such a rush, no smiles for anyone, just grumpiness and unpleasantness. Thank goodness that there are many, many lovely, pleasant , kind and patient people out there too! The trouble is I am afraid to say, that many people now are just plain spoilt!  We in the west generally have everything  we need, sometimes to abundance... too much food, too many possessions, and yet people don't seem to be very happy about it do they?!

 I am a extremely lucky person! Yes, I know like many people  I have had many, many sadnesses in my life, (many I can't even bring myself to talk of),... but gosh I am darn lucky!  Do you know why? Because so far in my life, my home hasn't been destroyed in a natural disaster, I haven't been through a world war, or tortured, nor have I  been without food or water, clothes..... or love. I wasn't born in Haiti...but I could so easily have been.  If that isn't lucky, then I don't know what is!

Watch out for angels!  They don't always have wings.

Sorry, not a very cutesy post this week (except for that adorable kitten pic!),  but a post to reflect on my blessings and all those angels without any wings, wearing their halos and walking this earth. Can we have some more please!

Until next Friday lots of love and blessings to you all.

Suzie. xxx


  1. You're such a kind and sensitive lady, Suzie, thank you so much for making us think how lucky we are xxxxx

  2. Truer words were never spoken...
    I feel so ashamed & ungrateful sitting here in my warm sunroom whining about the weather. ...I watch this tragedy unfold & I realize I have an income to keep me warm, fed & protected. I have ample insurance to get stellar heath care. Shame on me..... I hang my head first in shame & then in prayer for the nation that is the poorest of the poor & now this..... Prayers to all the souls in Haiti & the people who have come to their rescue.

  3. I applaud your words and wish more people would be gracious and grateful for the good things in their lives and worry less about the things they don't have... We were very lucky to be born where we are..and perhaps.. if their is a next time we will not be so fortunate..

    Life really is too short to be nasty and uncaring...

    X Alex

  4. Good morning sweetie, Boy am I glad I got up early and read your post before going in to work today. Thank you for the tears in my eyes for these tears bring about the reality of our world and our existance. God Bless those who fight for their next breath, their next morsel of food and drink. And for those on the line helping them. Also for each and every one of us effected by this disaster for waking us up to the wanting of kindness and charity for others. Oh Suzie there are so many who come into our office regarding having to file and some even pay again the government for taxes owed and the greed of others is not pleasant to see, but perhaps in light of reading your post today that at least I may be able to view the unpleasantness with kindness on my part. Hope your weekend is as nice as you. Love, Mollye

  5. Well written, fantastic sentiments. When Paul was 14 (he lived in Italy then) he was in a massive earth quake, all the buildings around their home were destroyed, luckily none of his family were harmed, but it effected him badly still to this day. I just wish they were more organised in Haiti, it's heart breaking. xxx

  6. Someone wrote in my post about Haiti that she wonders if God has some wonderful plan waiting for Haiti, to come out of this tragedy, and I wonder if the awareness of people around the world is part of the good that is going to come.

    Thanks so much for your thoughtful post. All my family are going through a bad time at the moment but we all think we could be in Haiti' and that really puts everything into perspective.

    I wanted to say a bit more about the church we're linked with in the north of Haiti (did you read my post?). They are really poor people, even poorer than the ones who lived in Port au Prince, and after two hurricanes in the last few years a particular church in Port au Prince helped them out. Now they are offering new homes to 100 of the people from that Port au Prince church. That made me think of your angels.

  7. Lovely thoughtful post. It could so easily have been us.

  8. Hi Suzie,
    I agree with every word of yours. I feel very lucky and fortunate and if everyone helps, we can make a bug difference in those people's lives.
    Have a great weekend!!

  9. Oh Suzie, you are right, you know how I feel about this, it touched my heart and I have cried many a tear over the peoples plight. I can not and do not want to imagine what they are going through. It is beyoind my conprehension.

    Your post has started the tears again, but I find that it is often the folks that dont have a lot that give the most. When explaining it to the minimads, they both went up and brought their penny jars done and we changed it and gave it, they also wanted to give the children their toys too. Compassion comes in all sorts of shapes and forms.

    All I want to add is that anyone reading this, please give even a tiny amount, just people other people are it doesnt me that you dont have too.

  10. A thoughtful post Suzy.

    One thing though is that children can feel the pain of those not so fortunate. My eldest has been learning about Haiti at school this week. They are doing things to raise money for them. She has been so passionate about taking in money and helping those poor children that have lost their mummies and daddies. It brings a lump to my throat, that a child of nearly six can have so much compassion, when adults sometimes dont. I know I can be guilty of it sometimes. A bit disconnected to those events, until I see in eyes and hear in her voice that it could be her that lost her mummy or daddy or worse still I could of lost her through some terrible turn of fate and lived somewhere, where Mother nature throws her most awful tantrums.

    Lets us hope that those in need of such compassion and help get the things they need.

    Have a lovely weekend Suzy.


  11. Thank you, Suzy, for writing this insightful post. It is important to raise awareness ~ not everything in this world is as bright and beautiful as we'd always like it to be.
    In case anyone is interested, there is a lovely group on etsy~ is a collaborative of etsy sellers who have donated items to be sold with 100% of the funds going to Doctors without Borders. Over $10,000 has been raised so far! I posted about it recently:
    Take care and stay well, Theresa

  12. Hi Suzy: Thank you for your thoughtful post this morning. We do need to thank God for His daily blessings. Martha

  13. wonderful thoughtful post Suzie. A disaster like this puts everything into perspective doesn't it ?

  14. A very thought provoking post. Thanks! I. too am very blessed!

  15. A lovely post Suzie. In a way, the plight of Haiti, has made us aware of how many great people there are on earth. I find I read in papers all the horrors of people and their badness, and there is not enough written about all the lovely, kind, generous people there are out there who wouldn't think twice to help out a stranger in need. It is lovely to be reminded that there are so many Angels that walk on this earth and help out so many. xxx

  16. The title of your post reminds me of the line from Band Aid's 'Do They Know It's Christmas' -'Tonight thank God it's them instead of you.' And I do. Only I wish it wasn't them, either. xx

  17. Thanks Suzie for your thoughtful post, you are so right in everything you say. The horror the people of Haiti are having to endure certainly puts in to perspective our trivial problems. As you say we all have personal tragedies in our lives but the scale of this is beyond the comprehension of most of us in the West. I have been watching a lot of the programmes on Channel 4 about Mumbai this week. They have been inspiratational, shocking and humbling. It is hard to comprehend how in the 21st century we can accept that people live in such squalid conditions.
    Ann x

  18. It's such a tragedy but some of the stories we are hearing from rescuers and survivors certainly gives food for thought

    Have a good weekend

    Victoria xx

  19. I love this post, Suzie. Please don't apologize for having a heart. Things like Haiti are a part of life that people need to remember. Not everyone has the luxury of running water and the ability to go to the fridge or cupboard and grab something to eat whenever they feel like it...and you are right, it could happen to any of us at any time. Disasters aren't a planned event. The thing that saddens me most is that it takes things like this to bring people together and it horrifies me that some are taking advantage to make money off of it. I hope people will make sure the places they donate to are legitimate. I donated to the radio station, WKIT in Bangor, ME, owned by Stephen King and his wife, because for every dollar donated they matched it so it was like paying double. Something I thought was very nice.
    Anyway I'm rambling...thank you for a lovely post, Suzie!~hugs

  20. Well spoken Suzie - it's been such a tragedy but amazing to see on the news that the rescuers were still able to find people alive, even towards the end of this week. Note to myself I must stopping moaning so much! Thanks for stopping by Dolliedaydream and have a lovely weekend xxx

  21. Surely it wasn't a warm and fuzzy post, but these things need to be talked about!

    Everyone please check out Craft Hope (, where crafters have donated handmade items to benefit the aid in Haiti.

  22. You and your blog are a true inspiration. Please accept this very well-deserved Sunshine Award. Check out my blog to find out more:

  23. Hi Suzie,
    A truly beautifully worded post. It really does make you stop and think about how people in general take trivial things in comparison to heart and then moan and whinge...we all have troubles, issues and have suffered in certain ways, but as you say, to suffer like that is heartbreaking and really puts things into perspective.
    BH x

  24. You are absolutely right, you're so good with your words and this post is exactly why I have just passed on an award to you, come on over and pick it up when you get the chance.

  25. So well said, and heart felt. Blessings to you for spreading the word and challenging our thoughts. Come on over to receive your special treat today at the Queens in Training awards.

  26. Thank you so much for wanting to take part in Red hearts for BHF

    Lots of love LissyLou xx

  27. Thank you everyone for your wonderful comments! suzie. xxx

  28. Also, thank you , Sharon, The Girl and Jacqueline for your fantastic awards too! suzie. xxx

  29. I am so teary eyed right now that all I can say is God bless you for this post, and God bless all the angels out there and most of all God bless the people of Haiti.

  30. A very touching post, spoken from the heart. I hope they keep getting the help they so greatly need.

    Warm wishes
    Isabelle x

  31. We have so much to be grateful for. Thank you for such a sensitive and thoughtful post.

    On the craft front I have knitted the tea cosy and it fits my little pot, but I think it needs some "innards" so I can't say it's finished yet but I'm getting there ...

    Have a good week
    Carolyn ♥


I love getting comments and I read and appreciate every one of them. I always try to answer them, but if you don't get a response it will be because I couldn't find a link to you. Suzie. XXX :)