Friday 8 January 2010

The north wind doth blow and we shall have snow angels!

Hello everyone!

Old Man Winter is definitely taking hold this year, snow, snow and more snow! I love it of course, because it reminds me of my childhood in Canada.


One of my drawings, a little tatty I'm afraid!

It is beautiful, magical and does not happen too often in Lancashire, so I am enjoying it. Then again,  I do have the benefit of working from home, and so far the snow which is affecting many parts of the country badly, is not causing a great problem where I live, so luckily has not stopped me from doing anything as yet!  It just looks incredibly pretty! Jack frost has been a busy little man!

Isn't this gorgeous, I found it on the internet. It is not one of mine.... sadly!

Winter to many people is a bleak time,  the season where all seems dormant and, some may say... dead. The ground is frozen, autumns leaves lie moulding, leafless twigs and branches waver in the cold icy winds. Gardens appear so sad compared to their full and lush appearance in the summer months. Yes, it all looks a bit sad don't you think?   Nothing is happening out there at all. But wait, what is this?

Buds all over the place... waiting for the spring!

No, it is only slumbering, and as our bodies do when asleep, replenishing and preparing for the next adventure.  At each turn of a moment all is changing... ever moving, turning in endless circles, soon to be re-born again into what appears to resemble a replica of last years glory,  but yet completely different ... new leaves, fresh flowers.

A view of my home from halfway down the garden.

 Change is an inevitable and inescapable presence in all of our lives. We can not hide from it. I could sit in a room all day and refuse to come out, ignoring the world, and still change will manifest all around me and to me! Just like the seasons coming and going, just as our cells in our bodies are not the same ones that we used to have, we are constantly changing. This is scary, but fascinating at the same time.

Now, I am no spring chicken any more, and like the winter garden,  perhaps I look like I need some attention! Sometimes I am feeling quite ancient like my old Owl Tree! Wisdom to follow I hope!

However, I sometimes feel like I am swapping my ever disappearing youth with an ever growing mind and spirit. I am nurturing my creativity and zest for life into a bursting flower. This to me, is how winter is. Underneath and behind what appears to be a faded vista,  is a hive of activity and life, busy in preparation for a new refreshed world ready to burst out in the spring. Winter is a time of hidden miracles!

Winter fills me to the brim with excitement for the year to come... planning my garden, looking forward to watching it waken slowly from its wintery sleep, getting my home decorated and sorted out, and inventing new projects to craft and sew! Cosy times at home spent next to a roaring fire eating heart-warming stews. I love the changing of the seasons, and their constant reminder for me to accept gracefully the changes that life brings each day.

Time to enjoy our homes and cosy comforts! One of my cross stitch designs.

Life is a journey and an adventure, one which should be embraced, bad times as well as good. All of our joys, trials and tribulations are what make up our Auto-biographies. Wouldn't our books make rather boring reading if every day our lives just plodded on and on? Our books are more likely to be stuffed full with the richness of life... our sadnesses, success and failure, our loves, our work, talents...laughter and tears. Each day our individual history, unique and precious is constructed. Once a page is written, it is there for all time in our book for better or for worse.

One of my Angel Angst stitcheries! Hmmm, my halo has slipped on occasions too!

We may not always hold control of  every word printed onto the pages of our life-story but we can decide whether we are the hero or the villian, whether we wish to reflect on events with bitterness or with grace. In other words, how we wish to react to each of our pages. We do have that choice at least.

So my New Years resolution for 2010 is to write a new chapter, one which has had some thought put into it!
This chapter will be about making the most of each moment, being aware of  the hidden magic that is very much there even if we forget to look for it sometimes! I intend to laugh a lot and jump in puddles much more often! Whatever life throws!  One of my favourite sayings is "Life is a tragi-comedy..... and you are the star!"

What are your New Years resolutions? Tell me!

Before I wander off for another week, go and have a look at Theresa's fantastic  January Jubilee giveaway at Faerie Moon Creations! It is well worth a look believe me, this lady is so talented!

Well until next week I wish you all to be allocated at least one snowman or lady, and I hope that the weather is not causing you any headaches. Oh and don't forget, if you get the chance.... have a snowball fight, make a snow-angel and laugh until you cry!

Love and blessings to you all!

Suzie. xxx :)


  1. Hi Suzie - you are so talented - have you ever illustrated a book ? I can just imagine it.

    Fab snow Angel - we have been out enjoying the snow as we hardly ever get any & I also have buds on some of the plants !

    Hope it is a wonderful productive happy year for you - I haven't made any resolutions just a plan to start off my veggie patch ! xx

  2. How wonderful is that drawing and the stitcheries, so wonderful. You are right perfect isn't always great and not the best things to strive for. I love the snow it makes everything that could be e dull and drab, bright, shiny and beautiful.

    We are enjoying the new year, trying not to make many resolutions and to live in the present

  3. your talents always amaze me! xx

  4. Hi Suzie,
    What a sweet post and drawings. Very inspiring for these ever so cold winter days. :)

  5. A Beautifully worded post Suzie! Your drawings are so, so beautiful. what an amazing talent you have. I am trying to enjoy the snow with the boys...has been fun seeing their faces, but itch to get them and me back into a routine! Have a fabulous week my friend! XXX

  6. ooooo, That is one of my favorite sights. That of the spring buds and flowers showing us a glimpse of what is around the corner. Lovely pictures and sewing there, you are such a talent.
    Rachael XX

  7. What a lovely post!

    I love Autumn and Winter as I always think of them as so cosy although all this snow and not being able to get around like normal is frustrating but I'm focussing on all the in-house jobs I'm completing!

    Victoria xxx

  8. I always look forward to Fridays...because you do your post. Lovely as usual! You are so talented, you should be famous! xxx

  9. Hi lovely fairy! Great great post, I love your telling about what does winter represent for you! Love that angel, it's just perfect! Ha ha!
    Sending you lots of love and hugs! xxx

  10. Hi Suzie! What glorious winter photos. I am so happy you have some snow to play in. I do love it!!! We are enjoying yet another light snow this morning. It is so beautiful and relaxing to watch. I love your embroidery so very much - I really love that little "imperfect" angel. Too cute. Have a lovely day, my dear friend! Theresa

  11. Love your post and you pictures and stitcheries as always are amazing.

    Yes we have played in the snow, it arrived on Wednesday. Ilove how it looks love it when I am not out in it. As after the first day of snow it just get more and more dangerous, thats when I dont like it. But I have always been more a autumn and winter girl. Although do start hankering after spring around the begining of February.

    Take care and keep warm lovely Suzie,look forward to next Friday's post.

    MBB x

  12. Just delightful! Your darling drawings, your insightful prose, your thoughts on life~~~~~~~~
    You are an encouragement to all who visit your site~~~~~~~~~~~``

  13. Snow represents so many things to me. Whilst many grumble and moan about it, you revel in its wonder, thank you for sharing. I mostly like the stillness and quiet of snow, life becomes somewhat slower and more peaceful, I particularly like walking my dog about 6am in the snow it is so wonderfully silent. Enjoy it.
    Nicky x

  14. Maybe because I've never had to live in and deal with all that goes with snow I can enjoy the beauty of it more than those that do. I just love how it frosts the trees and land and everything looks so beautifully clean.
    It always gives me a smile to see your work, Suzie. You are so talented and I'm very pleased to be among your many admirers.

  15. Pictures with the snowman are absolutely beautiful. The sampler is beautiful too, I love samplers and try and design them when I can, at the moment I am designing on for Caitlin

  16. Hi Suzie, I never know where to begin when commenting on your posts as it is always so full to the brim of fascinating stuff to think about. I think you are so right on with your resolution. Oh if only to look at the cold and dreary days with fresh ferver and hope. Yep that is ewhat I must do. A clean start. Right? Suzie your photos of your garden area could make postcards as lovely as they are. And your drawing just fascinate and thrill me with the childlike magic found in each one. Love you Suzie girl, Mollye

  17. Hi Suzie
    I love the stitchery you designed, it's so pretty. Your post is very inspirational.
    Have a great weekend!

  18. If we get the forecast snow tomorrow, I will make sure to follow your advice! And if we don't, I can still follow the rest of your wise suggestions...

    You used my favourite word, grace. Some people have suggested choosing a word for the year. I don't think there could be a better one than 'grace'. So you have now given me my New Year's Resolution! Thanks, Suzie.

  19. Hi Suzie: I read every word with determination to change the way I feel about change. As you know, I hate it. Your way of looking at it is so much better than mine. I will take it to heart. Thanks so much for the post, it ministered to me. Blessings, Martha

  20. love the snow angel....and the little angel embroidery, how clever you are........happy new year suzie

  21. Hello dear Suzie!
    What a lovely post, I have so enjoyed reading it. And I totally agree with all that you say. I am so much happier now (with a little bit of wisdom and some age!) than I have ever been. And of course, there are always ups and downs, but how can we appreciate the good times without experiencing the harder times?
    I love your resolution, and have a lovely image of you dancing in the puddles! As for me I'm just focussing on balance this year - including having some silly fun times as well as the serious moments!
    Happy days to you,
    Denise x

  22. This is such an amazing post..that I don't know what to comment on first! The drawing is beautiful and so are your words. I am getting ready to have a big birthday so I appreciate your words of encouragement and understanding. I wish I had written this! lol Stay warm! Enjoy the weekend!

  23. dear, you are so amazingly talented! do you sell your art as prints? And your stichings...adore! I love winter so this is a great post! Thanks for sharing your talents!

  24. My thoughts tonight are traveling under the snow. There are very magical moments under it all. I constantly ask myself, where does the salamander go and the frogs, how do the spring tulips get a bit confused and come out early, then they are covered in snow by no mistake and they survive. I loved the picture half way down your garden. Half way is where it is all happening. I sooooo enjoyed your thoughts typed out for us all to ponder. They have given me hope and inspiration. Thank you dear Suzie. I'm really enjoying our friendship.

  25. Wonderful drawings, Suzie! I belong to the side of those who find Winter dreary, and dead. But thanks for sharing your inspiration! There certainly are things to look forward to, once winter passes.

  26. thank you for your lovely comment - I was having a " what's it all about ? " moment !

    but it's about lovely bloggers - like you !!!

  27. Hi Suzie, I meant to ask if it was you who made the beautiful snow angel? Thank you my sweet friend for the Happy Birthday Wishes! Glad you came to my party! XXMollye

  28. Penny, I have never illustrated a book... yet! Don't know if I would have the confidence! Aunt Spicy I haven't sold my drawings as prints, but I do make stitcheries out of some, but really I should do something with them, I suppose! And Mollye, no its not my snow angel, I wish it was, I found the pic on the internet. I used to make them every winter time in Canada though if that counts... but I don't think they looked like that one! xxx

  29. Hi Suzie, such a beautifully thoughtful post as ever!
    What a wonderful snow angel. I am with you cherish everything, good times and bad,

    Sarah x

  30. Hi Suzie...I love the snow angel...made me tearful...cos when I saw it my Brother popped into my head...he loved the snow as a child....
    I so enjoyed your post

  31. Hi Suzie, such a beautiful poetic post today, I love your words, you could write a book! Photographs are lovely too and it's nice to see your patch!

    I'm now heading over to that lovely giveaway which looks very interesting

    Have a lovely Sunday
    Keep warm and snuggly
    Carolyn ♥

  32. Hi there, sweetie, adore some of these winter images and the snow angel!! Thanks for all your lovely comments! Happy Sunday! Sharon xxoo

  33. I love your cross stitch sampler - hope you are keeping cosy! Best wishes for the new year.

    Pomona x

  34. No snow angels over here I'm afraid! Wow I love your's though. I also love your beautiful embroidery. They are such lovely pieces of work to look at.

    I don't make new year's resolutions as I'd not last the distance! Honestly I should make one to stick at things, but I won't.

  35. Happy New Year Suzie our Lancashire snow has been mad hasn't it the past week or two, so glad you are staying cosy! I love your Angst Angel - I feel a bit like that myself today - kisses Kitty xxx

  36. Great to read your New Years blog - can't say I'm as impressed with the snow - we've got loads of the stuff! Love looking at the view from front of your house - reminds me of home! lotsa luv, Ro. xxxxxx

  37. The elaborate cross stitches are very difficult and time consuming I am sure...but the end result is very very nice.

  38. Hello Dear Suzie, I've been A.W.O.L. and now have two of your wonderful posts to read!
    You are always so thought provoking and I feel as if you are speaking directly to me sometimes.
    I'm trying to be the hero-but lately my snow angel may have horns on her head! Your beautiful posts always makes me smile--thank you!


I love getting comments and I read and appreciate every one of them. I always try to answer them, but if you don't get a response it will be because I couldn't find a link to you. Suzie. XXX :)