Friday 29 January 2010

Oh where did you get that hat, where did you get that hat!

Happy Friday to you all!

How are you all, did you have a good week? I hope so!  What have you all been up to since last Friday? I have been quite busy, thanks for asking!!  I know you all really want to know! Hmmm... maybe not, but I am going to tell you anyway! Ha ha! You can't escape that easily.

Hmmmmmm....... what's this then I wonder?

I have been thinking of what to make for LissyLou for her Red for Heart day which is on the 26th February. Some of us, like myself are helping Lissy by making or giving red items for her to sell on the day. This is a worthy cause, so if any of you are interested , then pop over to Lissy's blog and take a look! I was thinking that I may make something like this heart.  What do you think?

This week I have been busy creating. No, not creating havoc! Oh, ok then, maybe just a bit! First of all I made some curtains for my bedroom. I made them out of a sheet and used the lining from the old curtains. What do you think hey?


An open and shut case really!

I made some curtains for the living room last week, but they are not finished yet, so you are not allowed to see them yet!  They are actually up at the window.... unhemmed and unkempt, and may stay that way for quite some time, until I find the drive to finish them off!  Remind me not to attempt curtains for large windows again! I was worn out hoisting all of that material around!

Also this week, I picked up my knitting needles to attempt to knit myself a hat. Yes I know, I am not the most experienced knitter in the world, but I though, hey! Why not?  I rooted out some yarn which I have had since the year dot and found a pattern, and off I went, clickety clack, clickety clack all evening until I made this.....


So sorry about the model! I tryed to get one of the dogs to don my creation, but they weren't having any of it! Just ignore the bit underneath, avert your eyes people! Aghhhhhhh! Wrinkles! No, not wrinkles... lets call them laugh lines! I know, I know, I have done an awful lot of laughing! Hmmm, maybe a little too much!  I don't know why it surprised me that I can knit a hat, I did, after all, knit a tea cosy. Actually I could have used that pattern! If I kept the slits at each side for the handle and the spout,  I could have had my ears sticking out of the hat! Now then everybody... do you think it needs a bobble?

Before I say Ta ta for another week I must say thank you for two lovely sunshine awards from two wonderful bloggy friends! One of them is from the lovely Sharon at Bliss Knits. Thank you so much Sharon , you are so kind! Go and visit her, she has a wondeful blog.


 The other is from The Girl, who was worried on her blog, that I may mind her thinking of me as her blog Mum! I actually think that is lovely, and at least she doesn't think of me as her Blog Gran! Phew! Mind you after seeing the photo... well!  Please go and check out her blog, it really is well worth the visit!

I am hoping that all who visit will take the award and pop it onto your blogs. Many of the blogs I follow now have this award, but I wish them all to have it, as I love them all! I hate having to choose! I really don't like it, they are all so good, that is after all why I follow them. Also I have made a few lists lately about my loves and my happys too!

Finally, please go and look at these two blogs, Dolliedaydreams and My Passport to Style, they are both having a virtual Tea Dance fundraiser for Haiti aid. Get your dancing shoes on and head over to join in the fun!

Thank you for visiting me today at my humble blog! Until next week, have a happy weekend and enjoy whatever it is you are going to be doing!  It is my birthday on wednesday next week, so I shall tell you what I have been doing next week!

Love and hugs Suzie. xxx


  1. Hey you look great in your hat. lol about the ears sticking out.
    I love your curtains. i have been meaning to have a go at some patchwork for some time. Think I might just give it a go.
    Have a fun weekend and Happy birthday for next week.
    Rachael XX

  2. Love your curtains.... I too have been knitting hats!! Yours looks great with the little embellishment!!
    Have a Great Day!

  3. Recycling love it, curtains are brilliant. Confession time I too have a very heavy pair of curtains in my lounge un-hemmed, and they have been up for a good 6 months or so, so I will hem them eventually, perhaps your post has given me the incentive to do the hem well guilt too. Have a great weekend.
    Nicky x

  4. Great hat and have a really happy birthday!

  5. I love your curtains and I too have curtains that still need hemming... but I always get them crooked... I remember when I was at art college a lad came in with a new hat on... he was very pleased with himself as he had gotten it at the charity shop... and he liked the pom pom... but as we were all saying he looked fab... he commented that whoever made it hadn't done a wonderful job as the holes for ears were different sizes... thats when we realised he had a tea cosy on his head... he still wore it... said it was comfy!

    I am loving your hat ... and Hello you! lovely to meet you... now I can put a freindly wonderful face to a wonderful cheery blog...

    I will pop over to the red Heart day blog... I am sure theres something I can make ...

    take care

  6. Love the curtains, very swish indeed and the hat too, I like the little flourish!

    I too have been doing read, I have made 6 little pincushions with lavender in, well I made seven, but kept one!!

    I will also add the badge to my bloge and wear with pride. Hope you have another creative week my lovley friend with her laughter lines!!

  7. Hello
    I just have to say I love. love, love your hat and your curtains are fab. I'll be popping back regularly if that's ok.

  8. Where did you get that hat - where did you get that hat ?... now I'm singing too. I think it is lovely & the person wearing it lovely too ! Yes that's you. Smile lines my dear - that's what I told my friend on her 50th birthday who told me her face was " heading South " !!!

    Have a really HAPPY BIRTHDAY - does that make you Aquarius like me ?

  9. HI

    The curtains look really good and the hat is fab, you look fantastic.

    Really enjoy reading your blog
    Rosie x

  10. Love the hat!! I don't think it needs a bobble, you have the lovely flower instead. "Not the most experienced knitter" - damn sight more experienced than me!!

    I remember we had un-hemmed curtains in the living room for about 6 years because Mum could never face taking them down to finish them off because they were so heavy. Those Victorian sash windows are lovely but they need whacking great big curtains!

  11. I am in love with your hat! My goal, one of the thousand I seem to have at the moment is to be able to knit a hat, glove and scarf set. Maybe one day! Your curtains are fab also, i really have to master my sewing machine.......another goal! Have a lovely weekend Suzie! xxxx

  12. Thank you everyone! All of the ones who have told stories of unfinished curtains have made me feel not so alone! I hate having to take them down agian to finish them (the living room ones) ... they are soooo heavy!

  13. Oh and Alex, brilliant story! Made me laugh out loud. Penny I am an aquarian just like you! suzie xxx

  14. Hi Suzie!
    What a sweet, lovely hat! Really well done!!
    Your curtains are just adorable too! Look really great!
    In case I miss it, I hope you have a wonderful day next Wednesday and wish you lots and lots of happiness and laughter (and don't you worry about those lines!) :)

  15. I LOVE your hat, Suzie! Reminds me of something they'd wear back in the Gatsby days. What fun! The model under it is lovely as ever. Wonderful to read you again. ~Hugs!

  16. GREAT hat, LOVELY photo. Have great day on your birthday.

  17. Hi beautiful lady! I'm so pleased to see your nice face so closer! Love your hat..and laugh lines! Have a fabby birthday celebration! xxx

  18. What a lovely hat Suzie,

    I think the flower finishes it off just perfectly. Nice to see you too.

    Love the curtains in your bedroom what a great re-use and hope you get round to doing your curtains in the living room it sounds like quite a job.

    Oh and Happy Birthday to you! for wednesday.


  19. Hey Suzie!

    I love the soft and fuzziness of the hat. Well done! Put it to good use now :)

    The curtains are so well done! Might have to whip some curtains up, or maybe not, hah.

    Hope you will have a great birthday celebration! Looking forward to hear all about it next week.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog, as always. I really appreciate it. Like you said, it makes all my time feel so worth it!

  20. Wear the fox hat! That is one fab hat. I couldn't see any wrinkles!! Love the curtains, wish I had a sheet like that I would cut it up & make all sorts. Happy birthday for old???! xxxxxxxxxxxx

  21. The hat is great. I don't think it needs a bobble.
    The curtains in my daughter's bedroom (which need changing but we can't find the right purple) were hand-hemmed. I stood behind them while they were still hanging! Seems taking them down again to hem is a common dislike!
    Happy birthday for next Wednesday. xx

  22. You have been a busy girl this week-and you have a lot to show for it. Good work on the curtains! I agree-a large amount of fabric is exhausing to work with-and makes one's sewing machine shudder as well! I love your cute hat too-you are the only baubble it needs:) I myself would barely even know which end of the knitting needles to use. I always seem to end up with 3 times the number of stitches I cast on!
    Most of all I love your blog and knowing what you have been up to each week-and happy early birthday to you!!
    p.s. Leave those curtains unhemmed-it gives them a nice "shabby chic" look-ha ha!
    Have a great weekend!!

  23. Look how cute you are! I love your new looks adorable on you! Very cute! And you KNOW I love your blog! ♥

  24. You are ADORABLE in that hat! And, I love reading about your life each week.

  25. Love that hat!!!How clever you are!!

  26. Happy bday for wed!!!

    love the gorgeous!!

    Thanks for posting about the red hearts...had such a good response.


  27. Suzie! What a lovely heart, what lovely curtains, and what a darling hat!!! Such craftiness~be still my heart. :) Thanks so very much for your kind words on my last post. It meant the world to me. We are doing just fine...just still a little sad because there is a wee hole in our family.
    Have a lovely weekend, and I'll speak with you again soon! :) Theresa

  28. Hi Suzi, finally found your blog at last. That's lovely work. I wish I could knit. I would love to make those wrist warmer thingies that seem so popular at the moment. I must learn.

  29. Hi Suzie, I am so sorry, how rude of me!! I did indeed receive your thanks for your give away!! I'm glad you liked it all!! No thanks necessary!!!
    Angel xxxx

  30. Hey Sugar Girl, I adore the hat and I of course adore YOU! The curtains came out great didn't they and are so cheery and springlike. I got some buttons like those which I put on a little yo-yo necklace. Oh Suzie girl, we are snowed and iced in today and unable to get off this hill my daughter Lori lives on so we're having a girl day coloring our hair, exercising and doing facials. Wish you were here!Love ya, Mollye

  31. Mmmm, maybe I should make some curtains like yours. Just got the quote for our new ones and aaaahh!!! Goodness, 37 metres of fabric!!

    Anyway your hat is fabulous. Wish I could make things like that. I love your flower on it too, really makes it look chic. Yes really on you it does.

  32. You've been busy! Love the curtains and hat. I used to dream of having a house with lattice windows, when I was a wee girl. Have a fantastic birthday! Thanks for always stopping by too! Cathy xxx

  33. Love that hat. I just started trying to knit- (Thank goodness for YouTube, or I would have never figured it out!) THat flower is perfect. And the model is beautiful, laugh lines and all! :)
    Happy weekend, friend!

  34. Curtains , grrr ! The fabric for my 3 large bedroom windows is so dull and boring that it has been just draped over the rods for over 5 years ! Yours are so lovely !

  35. You are just adorable in that hat! And the little red heart is the sweetest! Will you be my blogging Mom as well :-) Happy weekend!

  36. What a cutie pie you are and what a fabulous Queen in Training. The big Queen winner will be announced in the morning. Don't miss the WINTER BALL and free rides on can ever go back on the Polar Express. I hope you win my fine friend. I will need you address..regardless...wink!

  37. I don't think it needs a bobble - it looks fab as it is! I wish I could make curtains, yours look so homey! Love looking at the views from your various windows - reminds me of home - all the old familiar places! xxxxxxxxxx
    Oy! No peeking at that prezzie either!!! Wait till Wednesday! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  38. Dear Queen Suzie,
    Bravo to you my dear Queen. You did an excellent job at Queens in Training. I crown you Queen of all Secrets. ~The girl with the curl~

  39. Oh my!!! Suzie I have hat envy, I can't believe you have knitted this yourself ... and in a couple of days! I just love it and your lovely photo, please please please open your Etsy shop. Let me know if you want an Etsy banner or some instructions - I would be more than happy to help and could do with some more Photoshop practice so it will do me good to help! Thanks for the Dolliedaydream shout out and have a fantstic birthday week my Lancashire friend xxx

  40. Suzie i like your hat! and the fabric and curtains.Catherine

  41. Love the heart!!! Love the hat!!! Love the wrinkles!!! They say smiles!! You are so great to support my blog, hope you had a very special brithday Suzie!! :)

  42. I really like the look of those courtains, I think this patchwork style gives a lot of personality to the rooms... and the hat is lovely as is the person wearing it! ;O)


I love getting comments and I read and appreciate every one of them. I always try to answer them, but if you don't get a response it will be because I couldn't find a link to you. Suzie. XXX :)